Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Emmanual Rouat contributed the following example of parsing and transforming filenames and, in particular, pathnames. It draws heavily on the functionality of sed.
#!/usr/bin/env bash #----------------------------------------------------------- # Management of PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, MANPATH variables... # By Emmanuel Rouat <no-email> # (Inspired by the bash documentation 'pathfuncs' and on # discussions found on stackoverflow: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/370047/ # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273909/#346860) # Last modified: Sat Sep 22 12:01:55 CEST 2012 # # The following functions handle spaces correctly. # These functions belong in .bash_profile rather than in # .bashrc, I guess. # # The modular aspect of these functions should make it easy # to expand them to handle path substitutions instead # of path removal etc.... # # See http://www.catonmat.net/blog/awk-one-liners-explained-part-two/ # (item 43) for an explanation of the 'duplicate-entries' removal # (it's a nice trick!) #----------------------------------------------------------- # Show $@ (usually PATH) as list. function p_show() { local p="$@" && for p; do [[ ${!p} ]] && echo -e ${!p//:/\\n}; done } # Filter out empty lines, multiple/trailing slashes, and duplicate entries. function p_filter() { awk '/^[ \t]*$/ {next} {sub(/\/+$/, "");gsub(/\/+/, "/")}!x[$0]++' ;} # Rebuild list of items into ':' separated word (PATH-like). function p_build() { paste -sd: ;} # Clean $1 (typically PATH) and rebuild it function p_clean() { local p=${1} && eval ${p}='$(p_show ${p} | p_filter | p_build)' ;} # Remove $1 from $2 (found on stackoverflow, with modifications). function p_rm() { local d=$(echo $1 | p_filter) p=${2} && eval ${p}='$(p_show ${p} | p_filter | grep -xv "${d}" | p_build)' ;} # Same as previous, but filters on a pattern (dangerous... #+ don't use 'bin' or '/' as pattern!). function p_rmpat() { local d=$(echo $1 | p_filter) p=${2} && eval ${p}='$(p_show ${p} | p_filter | grep -v "${d}" | p_build)' ;} # Delete $1 from $2 and append it cleanly. function p_append() { local d=$(echo $1 | p_filter) p=${2} && p_rm "${d}" ${p} && eval ${p}='$(p_show ${p} d | p_build)' ;} # Delete $1 from $2 and prepend it cleanly. function p_prepend() { local d=$(echo $1 | p_filter) p=${2} && p_rm "${d}" ${p} && eval ${p}='$(p_show d ${p} | p_build)' ;} # Some tests: echo MYPATH="/bin:/usr/bin/:/bin://bin/" p_append "/project//my project/bin" MYPATH echo "Append '/project//my project/bin' to '/bin:/usr/bin/:/bin://bin/'" echo "(result should be: /bin:/usr/bin:/project/my project/bin)" echo $MYPATH echo MYOTHERPATH="/bin:/usr/bin/:/bin:/project//my project/bin" p_prepend "/project//my project/bin" MYOTHERPATH echo "Prepend '/project//my project/bin' \ to '/bin:/usr/bin/:/bin:/project//my project/bin/'" echo "(result should be: /project/my project/bin:/bin:/usr/bin)" echo $MYOTHERPATH echo p_prepend "/project//my project/bin" FOOPATH # FOOPATH doesn't exist. echo "Prepend '/project//my project/bin' to an unset variable" echo "(result should be: /project/my project/bin)" echo $FOOPATH echo BARPATH="/a:/b/://b c://a:/my local pub" p_clean BARPATH echo "Clean BARPATH='/a:/b/://b c://a:/my local pub'" echo "(result should be: /a:/b:/b c:/my local pub)" echo $BARPATH
David Wheeler kindly permitted me to use his instructive examples.
Doing it correctly: A quick summary by David Wheeler http://www.dwheeler.com/essays/filenames-in-shell.html So, how can you process filenames correctly in shell? Here's a quick summary about how to do it correctly, for the impatient who "just want the answer". In short: Double-quote to use "$variable" instead of $variable, set IFS to just newline and tab, prefix all globs/filenames so they cannot begin with "-" when expanded, and use one of a few templates that work correctly. Here are some of those templates that work correctly: IFS="$(printf '\n\t')" # Remove SPACE, so filenames with spaces work well. # Correct glob use: #+ always use "for" loop, prefix glob, check for existence: for file in ./* ; do # Use "./*" ... NEVER bare "*" ... if [ -e "$file" ] ; then # Make sure it isn't an empty match. COMMAND ... "$file" ... fi done # Correct glob use, but requires nonstandard bash extension. shopt -s nullglob # Bash extension, #+ so that empty glob matches will work. for file in ./* ; do # Use "./*", NEVER bare "*" COMMAND ... "$file" ... done # These handle all filenames correctly; #+ can be unwieldy if COMMAND is large: find ... -exec COMMAND... {} \; find ... -exec COMMAND... {} \+ # If multiple files are okay for COMMAND. # This skips filenames with control characters #+ (including tab and newline). IFS="$(printf '\n\t')" controlchars="$(printf '*[\001-\037\177]*')" for file in $(find . ! -name "$controlchars"') ; do COMMAND "$file" ... done # Okay if filenames can't contain tabs or newlines -- #+ beware the assumption. IFS="$(printf '\n\t')" for file in $(find .) ; do COMMAND "$file" ... done # Requires nonstandard but common extensions in find and xargs: find . -print0 | xargs -0 COMMAND # Requires nonstandard extensions to find and to shell (bash works). # variables might not stay set once the loop ends: find . -print0 | while IFS="" read -r -d "" file ; do ... COMMAND "$file" # Use quoted "$file", not $file, everywhere. done # Requires nonstandard extensions to find and to shell (bash works). # Underlying system must include named pipes (FIFOs) #+ or the /dev/fd mechanism. # In this version, variables *do* stay set after the loop ends, # and you can read from stdin. #+ (Change the 4 to another number if fd 4 is needed.) while IFS="" read -r -d "" file <&4 ; do COMMAND "$file" # Use quoted "$file" -- not $file, everywhere. done 4< <(find . -print0) # Named pipe version. # Requires nonstandard extensions to find and to shell's read (bash ok). # Underlying system must include named pipes (FIFOs). # Again, in this version, variables *do* stay set after the loop ends, # and you can read from stdin. # (Change the 4 to something else if fd 4 needed). mkfifo mypipe find . -print0 > mypipe & while IFS="" read -r -d "" file <&4 ; do COMMAND "$file" # Use quoted "$file", not $file, everywhere. done 4< mypipe
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