Encontre problemas com facilidade buscando: Nº <ID do problema>
Exemplo: nº 1832
Encontre membros facilmente buscando em: <nome do usuário>, <nome> e <sobrenome>.
Exemplo: a busca por smith retornará os resultados smith e adamsmith
Aqua Data Server (Public) / nhilam |
As a project owner or a user with "Manage Users & Roles" project permission, you can determine which users to add and remove from the project. On this page:
After you create a project, only the owner is a member of the project. To grant other users access to the project, they need to become project members and have a set of project permissions assigned to them. Use the Add User functionality to accomplish this.
For each user that you would like to become a project member, click on the user's corresponding checkbox. If you would like all users displayed on the page to become members, click the checkbox in the column header. If you want to deselect all members, click the checkbox in the column header again.
Once you have chosen your users, also specify a role for them using the Select Role dropdown. The role specifies the set of project permissions that the users will be granted. All users will be assigned the same role. Click the Save button to add these users with the specified role. In the next section, we will show you how to change a user's role selection.
The search text box in the action bar lets you quickly find a user. The search feature is explained in Search Users section.
The Edit User action enables you to change the set of roles assigned to a user for the current project. All roles existing in the current project are listed and multiple roles can be assigned to the user. If multiple roles are chosen, Aqua Data Server aggregates the set of granted permissions across the chosen roles for that user and applies this aggregated set of permissions when determining whether the user has access to a specific action on a given object. For example, lets say we have created 2 roles, Project Leader and Project Administrator in Project HelloWorld. The Project User role only has the View Workspace, Execute AquaScript and Execute any AquaScript permissions enabled. The Project Administrator has only the "Manage Users & Role" permission enabled. We grant user Rob access to both the Project Leader and Project Administrator roles in Project HelloWorld. Aqua Data Server stores Rob's set of granted permissions for project HellowWorld as: View Workspace, Execute AquaScript, Execute Any AquaScript and "Manage Users & Roles".
Use "Remove User Membership" action if you no longer want the specified user to have any access to the current project. If the user is the creator or owner of any content inside the current project, the ownership of that content is transferred to the project owner. Also, note that the project owner cannot remove himself from the project. Only administrators with the appropriate permissions can change project owners.
The user list can be exported as an XML, CSV or Excel file by clicking the Export to Button. If you have a search criteria specified, the list of exported users will be restricted to this search criteria.
As the usage of Aqua Data Server increases and more and more users are created, you might want to quickly locate a specific user. The search textbox is designed to address this. After typing in your search text in the Action Bar and pressing enter, Aqua Data Server performs a case insensitive, OR search across the user name, email address, first name and last name fields and returns all matching records. For example, lets say you were searching for the text "hon". Aqua Data Server would perform the following search: user.name like %hon% OR user.first_name like %hon% OR user.last_name like %hon% OR user.email like %hon% ==> this would return names like "Anthony" and "Jonathon".
To get back the complete list of project users, remove the search text and press enter.
Clicking on a user name will navigate you to the User Detail Page which displays information about the user and all project roles assigned to this user in the current project.
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