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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
To connect to data in Visual Analytics when the Visual Analytics window is already open, you can click the [Data] menu and choose [Connect to Data]. A Data Source dialog will launch listing choices for you to connect to.
If you launched Visual Analytics from a Query Analyzer Grid Results or Query Builder Grid Results, you will see that Data Source listed in the Data Dialog.
You can also connect to a Data Source by using [Data > Connect to Data...] from the Visual Analytics menu.
The [Connect to Data] dialog always lists the existing Data Set which Visual Analytics held when it opened. If you launched Visual Analytics from the Grid or Pivot Grid Results, you will see that query listed first. Every Query Analyzer tab from Aqua Data Studio will appear with its tab name listed on the left, and its select statement listed on the right.
1. Click on a Tab Name to select its Data Set.
2. Click [Load Data Set].
3. A new Data Source will appear in the Data Pane using the Tab Name from the [Connect to Data] Dialog.
Data Extracts are local copies of data for Visual Analytics to allow sharing offline Visual Analytics Workbooks. You don't need to be connected to a live Data Source to generate views and charts when using a Data Extract.
Pasting Data to Create a Data Source
It is also possible to copy spreadsheet content from CSV files or applications like Excel, OpenOffice or Libre Office to paste this content into a Visual Analytics Workbook as a Data Source.
1. Copy the cell contents from a CSV file or spreadsheet application
2. Within a Visual Analytics Workbook, choose [Data] > [Paste Data...]
3. A dialog will appear allowing you to choose the first row as column names, set the delimiter, select String Quoted Identifier, and choose encoding.
4. After you Paste Data, a new Data Source appears which is automatically named with "Clipboard" and appended with the date and time of its creation
5. Behind the scenes, Visual Analytics creates an XLSX file from your pasted content in the "Aqua Data Studio Repository\datasources\clipboard_excel" directory and adds it as a data source.
For more about how to work with your Data Sources, see Managing Data Sources.
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