Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
The View Data window displays summarized or underlying data of a dataset or data of a view.
In the Data Pane, when you click , Visual Analytics opens the View Data window that contains the underlying data of your dataset.
When you hover your mouse in the chart view, or in the Color or Shape legend, Visual Analytics opens the View Data after you click the icon on the tooltip. This window contains the summarized and underlying data of the selected data points. The following screenshot contains the summarized and underlying data of multiple data points, such as; ColonialVoice, Distinguish, SuperiorCard. The Summary tab shows the aggregated values of each data point. The Underlying tab shows the disaggregated values of the data points across all dimensions and measures.
For more information on how you can select multiple data points, see Highlight Actions.
The View Data window supports quick filtering, aggregate functions, and multicolumn sorting. Aggregate Functions allows calculation of Count, Count Numbers, Sum, Min, Max, Average, and Standard Deviation functions on the rows that you select in the View Data window.
Quick filters offer the advantage of filtering the data displayed in the View Data window, based on the user-specific value, and finding information quickly. By using the Search box, you can define a scope to:
Multi-Column sorting with ascending or descending is supported. For example, to sort Territory in descending order and Customer Name in ascending order, click the Territory header and then press Ctrl, and then double-click Customer Name header. The icons appearing on the headers are a sign of successful sorting.
Another option that is available in the View Data window is Preview in Excel () that exports the data to an Excel spreadsheet. Additional options appear on clicking the arrow that is available next to the icon.
Aggregate Functions, Quick Filtering, or Multi-Column sorting performed in the View Data window do not affect Visual Analytics Charts or Tables.
The following table lists the right-click options in the View Data Window.
Options available on right-click | Description |
Select All (CTRL/Command+A) |
Select all columns and rows. |
Copy (CTRL/Command+C) | Copy selected columns or rows. |
Shows additional options when you point to this option. | |
Opens the Copy to Clipboard dialog. |
Copy Special is a right-click option and shows additional options when you point to this option. The following table lists its additional options.
Option | Description |
Copy With Headers
By default, Visual Analytics copies data without the column headers. This option copies the headers, along with the data. |
Copy with Row Count | Copies the row count, along with the data. |
Copy with Headers and Row Count | Copies column headers and row counts, along with data. |
Copy Headers Only | Copies only column headers. |
Copy with Headers (Align Columns) | Copies column headers and data and retains the column alignment in the destination file. See Attachment. |
Copy with Row Count (Align Columns) | Copies row counts and data and retains the column alignment in the destination file. See Attachment. |
Copy with Headers and Row Count (Align Columns) | Copies column headers, row counts, and data and retains the column alignment in the destination file. See Attachment. |
Copy As is a right-click option and opens the Copy to Clipboard dialog. The following table lists the options in the Copy to Clipboard dialog.
Option | Description |
Data Order | Retains the data presentation for horizontal data order. In Vertical data order, displays columns as rows and rows as columns. |
Separator | Adds a separator between 2 cell values. |
Quote Identifier | Adds quotes across cell value. |
Leading Enclosure | Inserts user-specified characters at the start of copied data. |
Trailing Enclosure | Insert user-specified characters at the end of copied data. |
One line per table row | Inserts complete data in one line. |
Wrap Line at Column | Wraps line at a user-specified value and then displays data in the next row. |
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