Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
// SSH Server nodes in the tree need to have an "Open" action and a "Connect" action. Open will open a terminal window, while the connect will expand the server tree - https://www.aquaclusters.com/app/home/project/public/aquadatastudio/issue/6263
Add option to change background color of chart. We currently can change the background color of the Chart Panel, but not the actual chart.
introducing Fill Grid Color only ?
The fill color within a chart can be set within the Chart Options to whatever color you chose.
// Sybase ASE -- Add support for permissions of roles https://www.aquaclusters.com/app/home/project/public/aquadatastudio/issue/6159
Sybase ASE Role Permissions Support
Permissions of Roles within Sybase ASE are now included in CREATE, ALTER and DROP when using Script to Window on Server Roles and Database Roles Schema Objects.
Added Extraction of objects for detail view.
added extraction and scripting of DDL information of message object.
the message object is a database object with a key of messagenumber & language.
Sybase ASE User Defined Messages Support
The Sybase ASE Schema Node Tree now displays Messages objects allowing visual DROP and CREATE as well as scripting the DDL of Message DROP and CREATE to a query window. Clicking on the Messages Schema Object Container displays Message details when the Detail View is enabled.
// Sybase ASE -- Add support for aliases
script database user will script aliases for that user
script server user will script the aliases it has to database users
Scripting database users will script the aliases for users. Scripting Server Users also script aliases for its database users.
// Sybase ASE -- Add support for thresholds
Thresholds have been added to the tree under there parent database.segment
Sybase ASE Database Segment Threshold Support
Thresholds now appear within the Schema Node Tree underneath Database Segments.
// Add support for datatypes BIGDATETIME, BIGTIME and TIME in Sybase ASE 15.5 only
// When editing a job in SQL Server Agent, need to display the status https://www.aquaclusters.com/app/home/project/public/aquadatastudio/issue/3315
// Add support for chart legend to display the items in horizontal layout https://www.aquaclusters.com/app/home/project/public/aquadatastudio/issue/6164
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