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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Aqua Data Studio 11.0 has many new enhancements for Sybase ASE Server, SQL Server Agent jobs, Charting Tool and the Editor.
Scripting Sybase ASE Role Permissions is now supported
Permissions of Roles for Sybase ASE database is now included in CREATE, ALTER and DROP when using Script to Window on Server Roles and Database Roles Schema Objects.
Sybase ASE User Defined Messages is added in Aqua Data Studio 11.0
The Sybase ASE Schema Node Tree now displays Messages objects allowing visual DROP and CREATE as well as scripting the DDL of Message DROP and CREATE to a query window. "sysusermessages" contains one row for each user-defined message that can be returned by Adaptive Server.
Scripting database users will script the aliases for users. Scripting Server Users also script aliases for its database users.
Sybase ASE Database Segment Threshold Support
Thresholds now appear within the Schema Node Tree underneath Database Segments.
New datatypes supported for Sybase ASE 15.5
Added support for datatypes BIGDATETIME, BIGTIME and TIME in Sybase ASE 15.5 only.
nCluster support for new datatypes
As per ncluster version 4.6 the following datatypes have been added: bytea, ip4, ip4range & uuid.
Added "Open" and "Connect" in SSH Server node
SSH Server nodes in the tree need to have an "Open" action and a "Connect" action. Open will open a terminal window, while the connect will expand the server tree .
When editing an SQL Server Agent Job, the status of the Job is displayed in the Alter Job Dialog via right click in the Schema Node Tree or in the SQL Server Agent DBA Tool.
We currently can change the background color of the Chart Panel, but not the actual chart.
A new option to Fill Grid Color
Added a new option to change the background color of chart.The fill color within a chart can be set to the available colors.
Chart Legend Horizontal Display
When a Chart Legend is set to display at Bottom Center within Chart Options, the Legend itself displays horizontally. Another Chart enhancement is for Legend : the chart type icon, color icon & series name is now spaced evenly.
New Shortcut - Alt + Down Arrow Editor Context Menu
Using the Alt + Down Arrow keyboard shortcut within an editor displays the appropriate context menu for the editor.
New Option - Open in Current Window
Right clicking on any file in the Files browser or Projects Browser allows you to "Open in Current Window" so that the file contents are sent to that window. This means you can send the contents of a file to an editor or Query Analyzer without actually opening the file.
By right clicking on one or more column cells in the Query Grid Results view you now have the option of sending the selected cells to the Query Window as: Column Select, IN Values, SELECT Rows from Void, SELECT Column Body, INSERT Body, UPDATE Body. Choosing any of these generates the appropriate DDL and includes the highlighted values from the Grid Results.
Grid Results Hide/Unhide Columns
A new option to right click in a Grid Results Column Header and to choose which Table Columns to display in the Results. This makes it much easier to pare down displayed results without having to change the SQL statement and reexecute.
With Aqua Data Studio 11.0, Subversion will silently reformat a workspace from an older version to the highest it supports (1.6).
Query re-execution settings and AquaCommand scripting now supports field settings for pivot
New enhancements for query re-execution settings and AquaCommand scripting now supports field settings for pivot.
Open API methods added to supports field settings for pivot
76 new Open API methods are added in this latest release to support field settings for pivot grid.
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