Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Most relational database vendors have features to write log files of your SQL queries and other database maintenance operation, but reading the logs are quite difficult. Aqua Data Studio 11.0 introduces a visual log GUI named SQL Log, to capture all SQL queries executed in the Query Analyzer. Once you execute queries in the Query Analyzer, you can view the log data in the GUI or view in Excel spreadsheet. You can also save the log as a text file and open with ADS text editor. SQL Log is a powerful tool that provides a syntax highlighter as well as support for Exceptions in queries.
The SQL Log for faster access to view time and duration of the SQL statements to finish executing with a single click.
Aqua Data Studio 11.0 features a new Option to view the SQL log files under Help --> SQL Log
Displays the status of the SQL statements
Displays the status of the SQL statements
Displays the status of the SQL statements
Option to view the time of execution and the duration of the SQL statements
Displays the Database Server Connections and the corresponding SQL statements executed
Displays the username with the corresponding SQL statements executed.
Option to view the SQL statements executed
Option to view the SQL exceptions
Option to view log as spreadsheet
Option to save the log as text files
Clears the display of executed statements and exceptions
Filter helps you to search and find the executed SQL queries very easily
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