Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
New zoomed screenshot Repo Browser
The greatest enhancement to version control in Aqua Data Studio 7 is the addition of the Repository Browser. This allows you to view all of the contents and history of a repository—even if you do not have a full copy on your local drive. Revisions, branches and tags are all displayed in their latest versions and you have the option to filter through large lists quickly and easily. The history table even lets you open and compare individual items. The “Repo” browser works efficiently in a background thread so that you can continue using Aqua Data Studio’s other tools while repository information is being retrieved.
Documentation -> SVN Repository Browser
Documentation -> CVS Repository Browser
More Enhancements
Other version control enhancements in Aqua Data Studio 7 include multi-select menu actions for objects in the Scripts Browser and reusable commit comments.
Zoomed screenshot Inline Difference Indicator that is currently on the Compare Tools page
Documentation -> Version Control
--------- move the Repo Browser page to their respective Documentation pages ------------
Subversion (SVN)
The Subversion (SVN) Repository Browser points to the repository root when launched and offers an in-depth, explorable view of all of the files in a repository without requiring a local version of its content. The repository is displayed as a tree where action can be taken on individual items, or they can simply be viewed. The History table within the Repository Browser allows opening and comparing of individual items by way of a popup menu. Tree content is obtained with a background thread so that Aqua Data Studio’s other tools can be used while information from the repository is being retrieved. In the Affected Paths display, unrelated changed paths can be hidden.
SVN Repository Browser Repository Browser Menus
* Inside the tree, right clicking on items allows checkout, new remote folder, rename, move, branch, delete, copy url and refresh.
* Browse Repository menu item invokes the browser, pointing to the repository root
* Shows tree, history table, show complete checkbox
* Click on item in the history table shows affected paths
Tree popup menu:
* checkout, new remote folder, rename, move, branch, delete, copy url, refresh
History Table popup menu:
* show changes, compare, open, compare with rev, compare rep. revisions
* history content is obtained in a background thread
Affected paths table popup menus:
* compare with previous revision, show history, revert changes, open
* affected path ’hide unrelated changed paths’ checkbox
Documentation - SVN Repository Browser
The CVS Repository Browser points to the repository root when launched and offers an in-depth, explorable view of all of the files in a repository without requiring a local version of its content. The repository is displayed as a tree containing HEAD, branches and versions. Action can be taken on individual items, or they can simply be viewed. The History table within the Repository Browser allows opening and comparing of individual items by way of a popup menu. Tree content is obtained with a background thread so that Aqua Data Studio’s other tools can be used while information is being retrieved.
CVS Repository Browser CVS Repository Menus
* Inside the tree, right clicking on individual items allows open and refresh.
* Browse Repository menu item invokes the browser, pointing to the repository root
* Shows tree, history table (updated only for a file)
* HEAD, Branches, Versions
* tree content is obtained in a background thread
Tree popup menus:
* refresh
* checkout
* open (some are only on files)
History table popup menus:
* open
* compare
Documentation -> CVS Repository Browser
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