Trouvez facilement les événement en recherchant : #<ID d'Événement>
Exemple: #1832
Trouver facilement des membres en cherchant dans: <nomutilisateur>, <prénom> et <nom>.
Exemple: La recherche Smith , retournera le résultat Smith et adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Now, the entire application has been Internationalized. Users can select their interface language within File > Options > General > Interface Language. Development for localized versions besides English is on-going.
- initial interface language is obtained from the OS
- every text string visible to the user must be localized
- localized resources (*.prompts) generated by Localizer tool are placed in src-rep/src/apps/datastudio/com/aquafold/datastudio/resource folder.
To Be Determined:
- date/time/number format options
- local sorting options
- select interface language
- language change requires restart
add -Di18n.test.mode=1 to the list of JVM options. Internationalized prompts will be marked with a • dot character (u2022). Make sure there are no u2022 symbols in the preferences, as it indicates incorrect implementation.
Setting -Di18n.test.mode=2 results in a prompt key to appear instead of the dot character.
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