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Example: #1832
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Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Then ER Modeler has been completely redesigned, including enough new features and enhancements that it is as powerful as a stand-alone database diagramming tool.
Operations Overview
Workspace and Dockable Framework Overview
Entity Relationship (ER) Modeler Detailed Actions List
Menu Bar - Contains all of the menus available in the ER Modeler.
Tool Bar - Contains button icons of the tools of the ER Modeler.
Model Browser - Contains a node view of all entities and objects within a diagram. Objects hidden in the current sheet are gray. |
Sheet View - Contains all of the sheets of a diagram, each indicated with a tab. This is where the diagram displays. Objects can display on multiple sheets and can be layed out differently on each one without altering the layout of the other sheets. |
Entity Palette - Contains all of the entities which may be created within a sheet, including Tables, Views, Notes, Relationships, and Regions. |
Model Overview - Contains a thumbnail of the entire active sheet. A red rectangle indicates what portion of the thumbnail is being viewed. Moving this rectangle changes the area visible in the sheet. |
Object Properties - Displays, in a non-editable form, the properties of the object currently selected in the Model Node Browser or Sheet. |
Table Entity Node - Contains a tree of the Relationships, Indexes and Constraints of a table. |
View Entity Node - Contains a tree of the contents of a view not displayed on the current sheet. |
Table Entity Object - Represents a table, its attributes, keys, physical schema and comments. |
Note Entity Object - Text notes that are not a part of a database schema, for use in the diagram only. |
Region - A grouping of entity objects and notes. Regions do not exist as schema objects and are strictly for diagram organization. |
Relationship Entity Object - Represents a relationship between tables. |
Subcategory Entity Object - Represents a subcategory relationship. |
One to Many Relationship Entity Object - Palette icon for creating a One to Many Relationship. |
One to Many (NI) Non-Identifying Relationship Entity Object - Palette icon for creating a One to Many Non-Identifying relationship. |
Relationship Cardinality: Zero or More, Zero or One, One or More, Exactly n - Options for setting the cardinality of a relationship, which determine the relationship connector’s endpoints in the diagram. |
New Unique Constraint - available on right click on a table within a sheet, or right click in the Model Node Browser. |
New Index - available on right click on a table within a sheet, or right click in the Model Node Browser. |
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