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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Chart Refactor
Scatter Plot
AquaLogs Sorting & Pagination fix
[x] Use ChartDataModel instead of ResultsetChartTableModel
[x] [x] Cylinder, [x] Cone, & [x] Pyramid versions of all Column & Bar charts
[x] Bubble - plots two data series as one chart (series 1 is the y-axis value, series 2 is the size of the bubble)
[x[ High-Low-Close - takes 3 data series (hi, low, close)
[x] Candlestick - plots 4 data series as one chart (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candlestick_chart)
[x] 2147 Have a right click on the top left area of the Grid Results select all, and popup the menu if possible
What we can probably do is have the popup menu appear when you right click
on the top left empty box, so when you right click on the top left if will
both select all and give you the menu item for viewing in excel.
[x] DataSelectionListener problem if getChart() returns null
ResultChartPanel.java Line 333
Disable JOGL by taking away libraries & it reveals problem
[x] Chart Functions (Std dev, etc)
[x] Support adding function series to model
[x] Power/Exponent
[x] Linear Regression
[x] Logarithmic
[x] Moving Average w/ Period variable (period = 2 to 4)
[x] Add/Subtract
[x] Scalar
[x] ADS7.0 Chart Types not being remembered after re-exec
[x] ChartOptionDialog: Add/Remove Series Functions
[x] Don't remove model columns (only functions)
[x] Set name to show function name & parameters
[x] Linear Regression
[x] Line chart - first point at wrong position
[x] Setting High/Low/Open/Close in candlestick properties not working (due to the foundHigh/etc logic)
[x] Fix: Line Width in option dialog not taking effect
[x] AMS: charts crashing @ AxisRenderer.java:424 and Legend.java:311
[x] ChartOptionDialog: Save Options as Default
[x] Place buttons in toolbar
[x] Add "Reset" button
[x] Pie pieces now in counter-clockwise order
[x] New Charts (First Batch)
[x] Exploded Pie option
[x] 100% Stacked Column (see ChartProperties._hundredPercentMode)
[x] 100% Stacked Area
[x] Stacked Line (with & without markers at data point)
[x] 100% Stacked Line
[x] Stacked Bar
[x] 100% Stacked Bar
[x] Support Cone/Cylinder/Pyramid on Bar charts
[x] Support Cone/Cylinder/Pyramid on Stacked & Stacked Bar charts
[x] Reverse Cones & Pyramids for Negative numbers for Column / Bar
[x] HLC, Candlestick, Bubble: range is based on Stacked chart's assumptions
[x] Options to Hide/Show All Axis Labels
[x] Select * from orders => ETLGrid.getRows() line 47 => NPE
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