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Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Scatter Plot
[x] [x] Cylinder, [x] Cone, & [x] Pyramid versions of all Column & Bar charts
[x] Bubble - plots two data series as one chart (series 1 is the y-axis value, series 2 is the size of the bubble)
[x[ High-Low-Close - takes 3 data series (hi, low, close)
[x] Candlestick - plots 4 data series as one chart (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candlestick_chart)
[x] Chart Functions (Std dev, etc)
[x] Support adding function series to model
[x] Power/Exponent
[x] Linear Regression
[x] Logarithmic
[x] Moving Average w/ Period variable (period = 2 to 4)
[x] Add/Subtract
[x] Scalar
[x] ChartOptionDialog: Add/Remove Series Functions
[x] Don't remove model columns (only functions)
[x] Set name to show function name & parameters
[x] Linear Regression
[x] Setting High/Low/Open/Close in candlestick properties not working (due to the foundHigh/etc logic)
[x] ChartOptionDialog: Save Options as Default
[x] Add "Reset" button
[x] Pie pieces now in counter-clockwise order
[x] New Charts (First Batch)
[x] Exploded Pie option
[x] 100% Stacked Column (see ChartProperties._hundredPercentMode)
[x] 100% Stacked Area
[x] Stacked Line (with & without markers at data point)
[x] 100% Stacked Line
[x] Stacked Bar
[x] 100% Stacked Bar
[x] Support Cone/Cylinder/Pyramid on Bar charts
[x] Support Cone/Cylinder/Pyramid on Stacked & Stacked Bar charts
[x] Reverse Cones & Pyramids for Negative numbers for Column / Bar
[x] HLC, Candlestick, Bubble: range is based on Stacked chart's assumptions
[x] Options to Hide/Show All Axis Labels
[x] Update Aspose excel export
[x] 66 saved in excel charts currently don’t specify column names and what kind of data is displayed
* NOTE * Only Value Axis title is supported
[Moved to 7.0 - Aspose has issues with displaying axis headers correctly]
Can we output axis titles to Excel?
[x] HighLowCLose => export order: High, Low, Close
[x] Candlestick - export order: Open, High, Low, Close
[x] Bubble - export order: [Position], [Position, Size]
[x] Stacked Bar/Line/Cone/Cylinder/Pyramid
[x] Clustered Bar/Column (cube, cone, cylinder, pyramid)
[x] Multi-selecting categories in Result Chart should behave like Pivot Table (concatenate)
[x] Numeric Category Range / Date-Time Category Range
1-1000, Oct 1 - Nov 1, 5:00am - 6:00pm
[x] Lines connecting pie chart to pie label
[x] give functions default parameters when created in ChartOptionDialog
[x] Add slope & intercept along the linear regression line (add interface to display it per charttype)
[x] Pie Option to indicate distance from label to pie slice
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