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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
diego.gabanzo signalé 2023-06-22T18:43:20Z  · modifié pour la dernière fois 2024-11-22T17:38:18Z

Case #01002536 - Option or setting to save the column orders at the Objects Search window

Priorité Basse
Complexité Inconnu
Composant Tools - Object Search
Version Future

Case number 01002536

The customer would like to have the option to save the order of the columns at the Object Search Window and set it as a default. So whenever he open Object Search tool the column order that he set previously.

In the case the customer described the following:

When the Object Search window comes up, the default order of the columns is:
Object Name/Source, Object Type, Parent, Related, Owner, Database.

When I change the order, is it possible to set the default like below?
Database, Owner, Object Name/Source, Object Type, Parent, Related



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Événement #15929

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