Product: Aqua Data Server
Version: 18.0.0-beta-32
Build #: 52280
Build Date: 2016-Dec-15 09:58:09 AM
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Login to ADServer. [Using default user and password].
2 After successfully login, Navigate to Setting tab
3. Click on Edit Settings, Go to Display information panel
Select English (US) of the Language from drop down
Select Time Zone (GMT: +05:30) India Standard Time from Drop down.
4. Go to Email information panel
Select English (US) of the Language from drop down
Select Time Zone (GMT: +05:30) India Standard Time from Drop down.
5. Click on Save button.
6. Click on Language button and select Francais language.
Actual Result: When we select Francais language You have seen that Account Login tab disappear.
Observation : This issue reproduced in all ADSERVER version [ADS-15 ,ADS-16 ,ADS-17 and ADS-18].
Issue reproduced only for selection on Francais language.