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Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Server (Public) / nhilam |
You may need to configure the computer's firewall to allow remote connections to the Aqua Data Server service, post installation. How to do this varies by Operating System.
Either disable the Windows Firewall completely, or choose to allow the Service Runner access through the Firewall by going to Start -> Control Panel -> Firewall -> Allow a Program or Feature through Windows Firewall and Allow Another Program (button). Browse to choose C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Server 17.0 - 32bit\tomcat\bin\tomcat6-32bit.exe for 32bit Windows. For 64bit Windows browse to choose C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Server 17.0 - 64bit\tomcat\bin\tomcat6-64bit.exe. Once it is added it will appear as Service Runner in the list.
Either allow all incoming connections within System Preferences -> Security -> Firewall or choose to let the jsvc-ads-10-6 service through the firewall by selecting System Preferences -> Security -> Firewall -> Advanced (button) -> + (button). Browse to find the User/aquadataserver/aquadataserver/jsvc-ads-10-6 and click the Add button.
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