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Aqua Data Server (Public) / nhilam |
Aqua Data Server has charting functionality which uses the Java bindings for OpenGL (JOGL : https://jogl.dev.java.net/). The JOGL libraries include native libraries for each Operating System and platform. If you download an OS specific Aqua Data Server installer, the appropriate libraries will be copied in the necessary location. Aqua Data Server also includes a pure software implementation of OpenGL in case your video card does not support OpenGL. Many high end servers contain lower end video cards which are not capable of supporting OpenGL.
If you download a non-OS specific installer such as the Java installer package, then all of the platform libraries will be included under <INSTALLATION_HOME>/platform. You will need to copy the JOGL libraries for your platform into the appropriate location. Please see below for further details.
The Admin->Support page indicates whether Aqua Data Server is running the Software Renderer or the Hardware Renderer.
Please note that running Aqua Data Server as a Windows Service will prevent the server from having access to OpenGL and will force Aqua Data Server to use the Software Renderer. For windows, the JOGL libraries need to be located in the Aqua Data Server installation directory (Program Files-> Aqua Data Server 18.5 )
mesa32.dll (mesa32.dll is for 32bit windows and mesa64.dll is for 64bit windows)
Under the OS X platform the JOGL libraries need to be located in:
The JOGL libraries require video cards which have support for OpenGL. All Macs have full support for OpenGL. However, Aqua Data Server running as a service does not have access to the GUI component of OSX because the OS prevents this type of access for security reasons. This prevents Aqua Data Server from using the video card OpenGL implementation. Hence, Aqua Data Server will use the software implemenation of OpenGL when running as a service.
Please note that running Aqua Data Server on a Linux server without an X11 server will prevent the server from having access to OpenGL and will force Aqua Data Server to use the Software Renderer. If you are running an X11 server, you must give security access to the X11 server with the xhost command. Example : "sudo xhost +" will open up all access to the X11 server so that Aqua Data Server can use OpenGL. For Linux, the required JOGL libraries need to be located in:
/home/aquadataserver/aquadataserver/libmesa32.so (32-bit) or /home/aquadataserver/aquadataserver/libmesa64.so (64-bit)
The file <USER_HOME>/aquadataserver/aquadataserver specifies LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /home/aquadataserver/aquadataserver and the installer places them in this location
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