Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Server (Public) / nhilam |
Welcome to the Aqua Data Server Documentation - Below you will find 6 quick steps to getting started with Aqua Data Server. Once you have your server up and running you may continue into the documentation to understand the different features of Aqua Data Server. |
1 | Downloading - You may download the appropriate package for your operating system by clicking on the package in the download section. If you experience any download problems, or just slow download speeds, please email us so that we may upgrade our servers and bandwidth. Email us at (architect (at) aquafold.com) |
2 | Installation - Check out the step-by-step instructions with screenshots here: Instructions. |
3 | Configuration - Configure Aqua Data Server for your specific work environment and network by editing the server's Configuration. |
4 | Administration - Once you have configured Aqua Data Server, use all the different tools available for its Administration to view and edit System Settings, create Users and Roles, activate Licenses, enable the Email Queue, and manage the Scheduler. |
5 | Project Creation and AquaScript Execution - With Users and Roles created, begin creating Projects for users. Or, let them create Projects and allow users to execute, edit and schedule the AquaScripts they create. |
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Open API Documentation - If you need the Open API Documentation, visit http://docs.aquafold.com/ads/11.0/openapi/ AquaProject Solution Examples - For examples of what you can do with AquaScripts, visit http://www.aquafold.com/aquaproject_solutions_examples.html |
7 | Problems? - Look through the Troubleshooting section first. If you have a problem you can’t resolve, please email us so that we may assist you and/or fix the problem for all our users. Email us at (architect (at) aquafold.com). |
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