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Aqua Data Server (Public) / nhilam |
For our Aqua Data Server 17.0 release, we've added support for 2 very popular big data and cloud-based data products: SAP HANA and Apache Spark. We also added support for newer versions of Teradata Aster, Vertica, VoltDB and updated our drivers for Amazon Redshift and SQLite. If you use Apache Hive, we now support newer versions of Cloudera, HortonWorks and MapR. As with our previous releases, you can connect to HiveServer1, HiveServer2 and Impala.
In-memory Database
Connect to SAP's in-memory database that can be deployed on-premise or in the cloud. Use Aqua Open APIs which provide a universal framework for building custom functionality for your SAP HANA applications.
More Database Versions Support
Connect to Teradata Aster 6.1, IBM DB2 z/OS 11, Vertica 7.1.2, VoltDB 5.3, PostgreSQL 9.4.1 and SQLite
In-memory Data Processing
Connect to Apache Spark, the blazing fast in-memory large-scale data processing engine and accelerate your queries taking advantage of its high-performance responsiveness. Connect to Apache Spark by using the web UI and create your AquaScripts.
Learn more
Cloudera, MapR, Hortonworks
We now support updated drivers for Hive distributions including Cloudera, Hortonworks and MapR.
Learn more
We're excited to announce that we have completely opened up our development process. All defects and enhancements, documentation, discussions and knowledge bases are publicly accessible by anyone. Take a look at all enhancements and bug fixes in this release on our dashboard.
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