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Aqua Data Server (Public) / nhilam |
For our Aqua Data Server 13.0 release, we've added native support for two very popular Big Data analytic platforms, Greenplum and Vertica. We've also added native support for the serverless database SQLite and have officially certified our product against the latest releases of several popular databases including Sybase ASE 15.7, Sybase IQ 15.4, Netezza 7, DB2 z/OS 10 and MySQL 5.5. In addition, we've greatly enhanced our charting capabilities so creating charts is easier than ever.
Script, Automate and Share
With this version of Aqua Data Server you can now natively connect to and use Greenplum: one of the major Big Data players in data warehousing. If you've used Aqua Data Server to work with PostgreSQL, then you'll have no problem getting accustomed to the Aqua OpenAPIs we provide you for working with Greenplum. Learn more
More Control, Better Charts
A comprehensive update to our Charting Aqua OpenAPIs means you can now rapidly customize charts by using one of more than a dozen pre-configured themes. We've also included properties for controling chart text color, grid opacity, margins and exploding the top N pie slices. Learn more
Access, Query and Code
Native support for Vertica now brings Aqua Data Server's full toolset to anyone working on Vertica. We're glad to bring our ETL tools and Aqua OpenAPIs to the powerful data warehousing Vertica platform. Learn more
More DB Version Support
Connect to Sybase ASE 15.7 and Sybase IQ 15.4. We've also added full support for MySQL 5.5, DB2 z/OS 10 and Netezza 7. Learn more
Connect to the most widely deployed embedded Open Source database
We now support the most commonly embedded database engine, SQLite, providing you all the tools you've come to expect from Aqua Data Server.
Learn more
We're excited to announce that we have completely opened up our development process. All defects and enhancements, documentation, discussions and knowledge bases are publicly accessible by anyone. Take a look at all enhancements and bug fixes in this release on our dashboard.
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