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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Likes | ID | T | Summary | Reporter | P | S | R | Component | Version | Created |
0 | 2051 | SQL Formatter for Text Editor and other editors, so it can be used when editing scripts in text editor | NielsGron | Q Analyzer - SQL Formatter | Future - .9 | Sep 9, 2008 | ||||
0 | 1424 | Ability to convert a SQL statement to a single line statement | NielsGron | Q Analyzer - SQL Formatter | Future - .9 | May 14, 2008 | ||||
0 | 803 | We need the SQL formatter to be improved so that we can support PL/SQL and TSQL | NielsGron | Q Analyzer - SQL Formatter | Future - .9 | Jan 9, 2008 |
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