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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
ID | T | Summary | Dev Assignee | QA Assignee | Reporter | P | S | R | C | Component | Version | Updated | Resolved |
2755 | db2 z os visual editor: tables | NielsGron | ivangron | App - Visual Editing | Future - .2 | May 18, 2012 | |||||||
3704 | table extraction, storage, pctused: this field is incorrectly stored in oracle catalog tables | NielsGron | ivangron | ivangron | App - General | Future - .2 | May 18, 2012 | ||||||
3664 | oracle indextype extraction... | NielsGron | ivangron | ivangron | App - General | Future - .2 | May 18, 2012 | ||||||
3712 | ORACLE::index extraction information:: oracle is not correctly storing all info in the basic catalog tables | NielsGron | ivangron | ivangron | App - General | Future - .2 | May 18, 2012 | ||||||
6661 | AQView -> extract views -> dependencies -> need to be able to extract dependencies through api | NielsGron | ivangron | ivangron | Open API - Aqua | Future - .2 | May 17, 2012 |
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