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Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Register PostgreSQL Server - If you have issues connecting to your PostgreSQL server, make sure that you have started your PostgreSQL postmaster with the ’-i’ option which enables TCP/IP connections. TCP/IP connections are required for ADS to connect to the PostgreSQL server. Tab Coloring To Identify Server Environments, whether it is a Production, Development or Test, use Tab Coloring feature :
Tip : Using the Keyboard combination "CTRL + SHIFT + P", you may quickly access Server Properties and edit Tab Coloring options. |
Using Filters Options in Registration (Filters Tab) Edit the Server Properties, to use FILTER options for a Server in Aqua Data Studio:
Tip : Using the dropdown at the top of the Filter Tab, quickly change your Schema or Folder View. |
Using Advanced Properties (Advanced Tab) Edit the Server Properties to use Advanced Properties in Aqua Data Studio:
With options in Advanced properties of a Server, you can :
Tip : Using the dropdown at the bottom of the Advanced Tab, quickly change your Object Display in the Server Browser. |
Using Driver Properties (Driver Tab) Edit the Drivers Properties to use Driver Parameters in Aqua Data Studio:
With options in Driver properties of a Server, you can edit/view the :
Tip: To use SSL in Aqua Data Studio, you must add the option"?ssl=true" in the "Driver Parameters:" in the Driver Tab of a Server Registration. Registering Servers - PostgreSQL SSLTo enable SSL for PostgreSQL the user must import an SSLcertificate into the keystore of the Java Virtual Machine that is being used to run Aqua Data Studio. Create a quick self-signed certificate using the following OpenSSLcommand: openssl req -new -text -out server.req Fill out the information that openssl asks for. The challengepassword can be left blank. The program will generate a key that ispassphrase protected; it will not accept a passphrase that is lessthan four characters long. To remove the passphrase (as you must ifyou want automatic start-up of the server), run the commands openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out server.key rm privkey.pem Enter the old passphrase to unlock the existing key. Now do openssl req -x509 -in server.req -text -key server.key -out server.crt chmod og-rwx server.key to turn the certificate into a self-signed certificate and copythe key and certificate to the data directory of the server. Nowconvert the server.crt to a format java can import on theclient: openssl x509 -in server.crt -out server.crt.der -outform der Now import the cert into the java keystore: keytool -keystore [your java home here]/lib/security/cacerts -alias [any name for cert desired] -import -file server.crt.der enter the password for the cacerts keystore (default is’changeit’). Say yes to trust this cert. > ...Unix: (Script) - Last line should execute java with the parameter between"java" and "-cp" such as ... "java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=\lib\security\cacerts-cp" |
Server Permissions (Permissions Tab) Edit the Permissions in Server Properties in Aqua Data Studio:
With options in Permissions Tab of a Server, you can :
Server Scripts (Scripts Tab) Edit Scripts in Server Properties in Aqua Data Studio:
With scripts in the Scripts Tab of a Server, you can :
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