Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Register Oracle Server - If you have any issues connecting to your Oracle instance, make sure that you can ping your server with ’tnsping’. Also, make sure you have the correct JDBC driver if you are connecting through OCI libraries. (Drivers) Aqua Data Studio also allows you to connect to Oracle RAC and Oracle Connection Manager by entering into "Host" value:
Oracle Connection Manager Examples:
Oracle RAC Examples:
Tab Coloring To Identify Server Environments, whether it is a Production, Development or Test, use Tab Coloring feature :
Tip : Using the Keyboard combination "CTRL + SHIFT + P", you may quickly access Server Properties and edit Tab Coloring options. |
Using Filters Options in Registration (Filters Tab) Edit the Server Properties, to use FILTER options for a Server in Aqua Data Studio:
Tip : Using the dropdown at the top of the Filter Tab, quickly change your Schema or Folder View. |
Using Advanced Properties (Advanced Tab) Edit the Server Properties to use Advanced Properties in Aqua Data Studio:
With options in Advanced properties of a Server, you can :
Tip : Using the dropdown at the bottom of the Advanced Tab, quickly change your Object Display in the Server Browser. |
Using Driver Properties (Driver Tab) Edit the Drivers Properties to use Driver Parameters in Aqua Data Studio:
With options in Driver properties of a Server, you can edit/view the :
Server Permissions (Permissions Tab) Edit the Permissions in Server Properties in Aqua Data Studio:
With options in Permissions Tab of a Server, you can :
Server Scripts (Scripts Tab) Edit Scripts in Server Properties in Aqua Data Studio:
With scripts in the Scripts Tab of a Server, you can :
Edit Shell Scripts in Server Properties in Aqua Data Studio:
With scripts in the SQL Shell Tab of a Server, you can :
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