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JDBC Drivers - Oracle JDBC Drivers 9i
Oracle JDBC drivers provide compatibilty between different version of the Oracle server. Oracle JDBC/OCI drivers do not provide support between OCI libraries. The JDBC driver included with ADS supports native connections to Oracle 10g/9i/8i, but only OCI connections with the 11g client software. If you have the 9i OCI client drivers installed on your machine and you would like to use them with ADS then you will need to install the Oracle 9i JDBC driver, which has support for 9i OCI libraries.
Note OSX Installations: OCI Connections are not supported on OSX. There is no need to change or update the drivers on OSX.
You may locate the latest Oracle JDBC drivers at the following location ...
Vendor: Oracle
Driver URL: [Free Registration Required] http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/index.html
You may locate the JDBC drivers for your installed version of Oracle in the Oracle server or Oracle client installations. Below is a directory listing of the driver files in the [ORACLE_HOME]\jdbc\lib\ directory. The ojdbc14.jar file is the Oracle JDBC driver required by ADS and the nls_charser12.jar is the language pack for the JDBC driver.
C:\oracle92\ora92\jdbc\lib>dir Volume in drive C is Local Disk Volume Serial Number is 108C-AA92 Directory of C:\oracle92\ora92\jdbc\lib 02/04/2003 06:34p DIR . 02/04/2003 06:34p DIR .. 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,033,402 classes111.jar 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,043,528 classes111.zip 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,371,600 classes111_g.jar 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,381,728 classes111_g.zip 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,196,109 classes12.jar 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,207,068 classes12.zip 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,201,552 classes12dms.jar 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,438,406 classes12dms_g.jar 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,432,813 classes12_g.jar 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,443,734 classes12_g.zip 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,781,005 nls_charset11.jar 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,810,518 nls_charset11.zip 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,781,898 nls_charset12.jar 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,811,415 nls_charset12.zip 04/26/2002 12:47p 36,640 ocrs12.jar 04/26/2002 12:47p 36,664 ocrs12.zip 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,174,976 ojdbc14.jar 04/26/2002 12:47p 1,383,922 ojdbc14_g.jar 18 File(s) 22,566,978 bytes 2 Dir(s) 35,225,325,568 bytes free C:\oracle92\ora92\jdbc\lib>
To update the ADS JDBC drivers you need to delete the ADS ojdbc6.jar, orai18n.jar and xdb6.jar and copy the ojdbc14.jar or classes12.zip/.jar into the /lib/drivers directory making sure to rename them so their file extensions are all .jar. Below is a listing of the Aqua Data Studio library directory [ADS_HOME]\lib\drivers\ ...
C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Studio 12.0 - 64bit\lib\drivers>dir Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 40F4-2392 Directory of C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Studio 12.0 - 64bit\lib\drivers 07/26/2012 07:45 AM <DIR> . 07/26/2012 07:45 AM <DIR> .. 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 1,146,367 db2java.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 3,348,681 db2jcc.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 1,015 db2jcc_license_cu.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 2,671,577 derby.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 538,340 derbyclient.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 239,546 derbynet.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 812,386 ifxjdbc.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 1,437,384 jconnect70.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 4,581,825 jt400.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 327,933 jtds-src.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 327,974 jtds.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 291,946 mongo.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 651,205 mysql-src.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 745,416 mysql.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 445,188 ncluster.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 2,714,189 ojdbc6.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 1,656,248 orai18n.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 346,944 paraccel-jdbc.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 561,969 postgresql.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 3,516,830 sqlite-jdbc.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 286,773 util400.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 262,740 xdb6.jar 07/26/2012 06:33 AM 839,982 xmlparserv2.jar 23 File(s) 27,752,458 bytes 2 Dir(s) 252,798,070,784 bytes free C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Studio 12.0 - 64bit\lib\drivers>
The Java class path for the drivers are already configured for ADS in the datastudio.ini for launching ADS with datastudio.exe and in datastudio.bat/.sh and datastudio-bundled.bat/.sh for launching ADS from the command line. The contents of the file are as follows ...
C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Studio 12.0 - 64bit>type datastudio.ini working.directory=. # JVM Properties vm.location=.\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll # Specify a proportion of the available physical memory to use (ie. relates to - Xmx arg). For example, vm.heapsize.max.percent=75. Note that this will use the m aximum memory possible. #vm.heapsize.max.percent= #Specify a proportion of the available physical memory to use as the minimum sta rting heap size (ie. relates to -Xms arg). #vm.heapsize.min.percent= #Specify a preferred amount (in MB) for the heap size (ie. relates to -Xmx arg). If this amount is not available it will use the maximum amount possible given t he physical memory available. #vm.heapsize.preferred= #Specifies that only one instance of the product should run at any given time #single.instance=window single.instance=dde dde.enabled=true dde.class=com.common.windows.noobfus.WinDDE dde.server.name=datastudio vmarg.1=-Dsun.swing.enableImprovedDragGesture vmarg.2=-Xmx756M vmarg.3=-XX:MaxPermSize=128m classpath.1=.\lib\*.jar classpath.2=.\lib\antlr\*.jar classpath.3=.\lib\apache\*.jar classpath.4=.\lib\apple\*.jar classpath.5=.\lib\aquafold\*.jar classpath.6=.\lib\aspose\*.jar classpath.7=.\lib\dnsjava\*.jar classpath.8=.\lib\drivers\*.jar classpath.9=.\lib\icepdf\*.jar classpath.10=.\lib\infragistics\*.jar classpath.11=.\lib\itext\*.jar classpath.12=.\lib\java\*.jar classpath.13=.\lib\jgoodies\*.jar classpath.14=.\lib\jgraph\*.jar classpath.15=.\lib\jide\*.jar classpath.16=.\lib\jinterop\*.jar classpath.17=.\lib\jna\*.jar classpath.18=.\lib\jogl\*.jar classpath.19=.\lib\perforce\*.jar classpath.20=.\lib\quartz\*.jar classpath.21=.\lib\snmp4j\*.jar classpath.22=.\lib\ssh2\*.jar classpath.23=.\lib\stndeditor\*.jar classpath.24=.\lib\svnkit\*.jar main.class=com.aquafold.datastudio.DataStudio C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Studio 12.0 - 64bit> C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Studio 12.0 - 64bit>type datastudio.bat ECHO OFF SET ADS_PATH= SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\ads.jar SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\aqua-lib.jar SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\antlr\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\apache\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\apple\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\aquafold\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\aspose\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\dnsjava\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\drivers\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\icepdf\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\infragistics\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\itext\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\java\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\jgoodies\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\jgraph\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\jide\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\jinterop\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\jna\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\jogl\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\perforce\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\quartz\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\snmp4j\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\ssh2\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\stndeditor\* SET ADS_PATH=%ADS_PATH%;.\lib\svnkit\* ECHO ON java -Xmx756M -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -cp "%ADS_PATH%" com.aquafold.datastudio.DataStudio C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Studio 12.0 - 64bit>
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