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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Aqua Data Studio uses JDBC drivers to make database connections to the appropriate database. By default, Aqua Data Studio comes packaged with an appropriate JDBC driver for all supported databases except Teradata and DB2 z/OS (these may be downloaded directly from the vendor). The included drivers work for most database versions and setups. In specific configurations you may be required to update the JDBC driver in your Aqua Data Studio installation with the latest driver from the database vendor.
Below is a list of databases, the corresponding issues that may arise and the appropriate action to take to resolve the issue. Each database vendor and version JDBC Driver is discussed on its own page:
About AquaClusters Privacy Policy Support Version - 19.0.2-4 AquaFold, Inc Copyright © 2007-2017
Below is a change log for ADS 12.0-dev-8 with comments on some of the updates.
Please update any project files, build scripts or installers for the updates drivers.
Driver Update : (Oracle) : OraDrivers - Version (Previous
- Over the years we have tried to keep the original Oracle driver names, but they have changed too much, so I've deleted the old 3 and created the new 3.
- deleted : oracle.jar, nls_charset12.jar, xdb.jar
- added : ojdbc6.jar, orai18n.jar, xdb6.jar
Driver Update : (Sybase) : jConnect70 - 4/28/2012 (Previously jConnect60 - 6/28/2010)
- Deleted jconnect60.jar and added jconnect70.jar.
Driver Update : (DB2 iSeries) : JT400 - Version 7.7 (Previous 7.0) - jt400.jar
Driver Update : (PostgreSQL) : PG - Version 9.1-902 (Previously updated June/2009) - postgresql.jar
Below is a change log for ADS 12.0-dev-8 with comments on some of the updates.
Please update any project files, build scripts or installers for the updates drivers.
Driver Update : (Oracle) : OraDrivers - Version (Previous
- Over the years we have tried to keep the original Oracle driver names, but they have changed too much, so I've deleted the old 3 and created the new 3.
- deleted : oracle.jar, nls_charset12.jar, xdb.jar
- added : ojdbc6.jar, orai18n.jar, xdb6.jar
Driver Update : (Sybase) : jConnect70 - 4/28/2012 (Previously jConnect60 - 6/28/2010)
- Deleted jconnect60.jar and added jconnect70.jar.
Driver Update : (DB2 iSeries) : JT400 - Version 7.7 (Previous 7.0) - jt400.jar
Driver Update : (PostgreSQL) : PG - Version 9.1-902 (Previously updated June/2009) - postgresql.jar