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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
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With the current Automation, when selecting the table name, is it possible to force the schema name to be inserted along with the table name?
With the current Automation, when selecting the table name, is it possible to force the schema name to be inserted along with the table name?
Any plans to allow users to expand the automation, to for example add user defined automations?
For example, for some projects for which I code in MS SQL Management Studio, I use a plug-in called SSMS Tools Pack. Using it, I can create my own automation. For example, "C*" yields "COUNT(*). Or, "fbbld" yields {}.business_fk (with the cursor relocated back to the braces). I'd love this level of sophistication in ADS.
I also use Textexpander for coding automation. Unfortunately, it does not play nicely with Aqua Data Studio. (Horribly, actually.)
Any plans to allow users to expand the automation, to for example add user defined automations?
For example, for some projects for which I code in MS SQL Management Studio, I use a plug-in called SSMS Tools Pack. Using it, I can create my own automation. For example, "C*" yields "COUNT(*). Or, "fbbld" yields {}.business_fk (with the cursor relocated back to the braces). I'd love this level of sophistication in ADS.
I also use Textexpander for coding automation. Unfortunately, it does not play nicely with Aqua Data Studio. (Horribly, actually.)