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Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Aqua Data Studio supports Client Side and Server Side Comments.
Client side comments are comments which ADS removes from a SQL statement before executing or sending them to the server database. Server side comments are executed (sent) to the server with a SQL statement. The reason for server side comments is to support comments stored in Stores Procedures. When creating Stored Procedures that include comments, Aqua Data Studio needs to include the comments in the SQL statement that is executed on the server.
ADS comments are configurable Different databases support different types of comments. By using the Options dialog box, a user may select each type of comment to be a client or a server side comment per database. You can confirm what statement and comments will be executed on the server with an "Execute Parse" on a statement/script before executing. Below is a list of databases,s the comment types they support, and the default value for each database. The comments option each database vendor has are available by File > Options > Scripts
BBSSC: Block Server Side Comment
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