Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Keywords are not case-sensitive. Keywords such as SELECT are only capitalized to show as examples.
The BigQuery Select Syntax is designed to allow the use of SQL-like statements to query the structured data documents of BigQuery. View the BigQuery's Select Query Reference to understand the BigQuery Select SQL.
BigQuery queries are written using a variation of the standard SQL SELECT statement.
SELECT * FROM [publicdata:samples.github_timeline] LIMIT 1000
SELECT repository_url, repository_has_downloads, repository_has_issues FROM [publicdata:samples.github_timeline] LIMIT 1000
SELECT repository.url, repository.created_at, repository.homepage, repository.description FROM [publicdata:samples.github_nested] LIMIT 1000
Data manipulation language (DML) is a family of syntax elements used to insert, delete and, update data in a database. This DML is specific to the Google BigQuery in Aqua Data Studio.
INSERT INTO [projectId:]datasetId.tableName (column1, column2, column3,...,column_N) VALUES (‘value1’, ‘value2’,’value3’,...,’valueN)
If projectId is not specified in the command, it will default to the current project.
INSERT INTO [sample-project-12345:mydataset2.names] (name,g,cnt) VALUES ('Dilip','M', '600')
INSERT INTO [projectId:]datasetId.tableName
( “cvfdvf for column1.childColumn1”,
“ Value for column1.childColumn2”,
“ Value for column1.childColumn3.childColumn3Child1”,
“Value for column1.childColumn3.childColumn3Child2”,
“Value for column1.childColumn4”,...,
“Value for column2”,
“Value for column3.childColumn1”,
“Value for column3.childColumn2”.child1”,
“Value for column3.childColumn2”.child2”,
“Value for column3.childColumn3”
If projectId is not specified in the command, it will default to the current project.
For inserting nested record use dot notation.
This command does not insert data in tables that contain repeated fields. Repeated fields must be inserted as JSON array.
INSERT INTO [sample-project-12345:record_table.two_records](record_1.c1, record_1.c2, record_2.r1, record_2.r2) VALUES(0, 'acbd', 'pqrs', '2015-08-28 10:54:04')
INSERT INTO [projectId:]datasetId.tableName
If projectId is not specified in the command, it will default to the current project.
INSERT INTO [dataset1.person_data] VALUES ( { "kind": "person", "fullName": "Mike Jones", "age": 35, "gender": "Male", "phoneNumber": { "areaCode": "622", "number": "1567845"}, "children": [{ "name": "Rohit", "gender": "Male", "age": "10"}, {"name": "Sam", "gender": "Male", "age": "6"}, { "name": "Kit", "gender": "Male", "age": "8"}], "citiesLived": [{ "place": "Los Angeles", "yearsLived": ["1989", "1993", "1998", "2002"]}, {"place": "Washington DC", "yearsLived": ["1990", "1993", "1998", "2008"]}, {"place": "Portland", "yearsLived": ["1993", "1998", "2003", "2005"]}, {"place": "Austin", "yearsLived": ["1973", "1998", "2001", "2005"]}]} )
Data Definition Language (DDL) is a syntax used to define data structures, especially database schemas. The following DDL is specific to the Google BigQuery in Aqua Data Studio.
CREATE DATASET [projectId:]datasetName
DESCRIPTION “description”
FRIENDLY_NAME “friendly_name”
DEFAULT_TABLE_EXPIRATION_MS default_tables_expiration_time
If projectId is not specified in the command, it will default to the current project.
CREATE DATASET [sample-project-12345:datasetName] DESCRIPTION "this is description" FRIENDLY_NAME "friendly name of the dataset" DEFAULT_TABLE_EXPIRATION_MS 7200000
CREATE DATASET [sample-project-12345:data] DEFAULT_TABLE_EXPIRATION_MS 7200000 DESCRIPTION "here is some description for the dataset" FRIENDLY_NAME "My datatset test 1"
CREATE TABLE [projectId:]datasetName.tableName
(column1 column_type column_mode “description” ,
column2 column_type column_mode “description”,
column3,…,column N column_type column_mode )
DESCRIPTION “description for table”
FRIENDLY_NAME “friendly_name”
If projectId is not specified in the command, it will default to the current project.
CREATE TABLE [sample-project-12345:create_dataset.table_without_record_type] (column1 INTEGER REQUIRED "This column is required" , column2 STRING "this column has default nullable mode", column3 FLOAT) EXPIRATION_TIME 1439577000 DESCRIPTION "This create table supports default column mode nullable and set description for columns" FRIENDLY_NAME "friendly name of the dataset"
Use the following command to create a table with nested fields:
Create with dot notation:
CREATE TABLE [projectId:]datasetName.tableName
column1 column_type column_mode “description”,
column2 record column_mode “description”,
column2.child1 column_type column_mode “description”,
column2.child2 column_type column_mode “description”,
column2.child3 record column_mode “description”,
column2.child3.child1 column_type column_mode “description”,
column2.child3.child2 column_type column_mode “description”,
column2.child3.child3 record column_mode “description”,
column2.child3.child3.child1 column_mode column_mode “description”,
column2.child3.child3 child2 column_mode “description”,
column3 column_type column_mode “description”,
column4 column_type column_mode “description”,
column5 record column_mode “description”,
column5.child1 column_type column_mode “description”,
column5.child2 column_type column_mode “description”,
column6 column_type column_mode “description”
DESCRIPTION “description for table”
FRIENDLY_NAME “friendly_name”
Column mode and column description are optional.
CREATE TABLE [sample-project-12345:create_dataset.trigrams] ( ngram STRING NULLABLE "Describe this field...", first STRING NULLABLE "Describe this field...", second STRING NULLABLE "Describe this field...", third STRING NULLABLE "Describe this field...", fourth STRING NULLABLE "Describe this field...", fifth STRING NULLABLE "Describe this field...", cell RECORD REPEATED "Describe this field...", cell.value STRING REPEATED "Describe this field...", cell.volume_count INTEGER NULLABLE "Describe this field...", cell.volume_fraction FLOAT NULLABLE "Describe this field...", cell.page_count INTEGER NULLABLE "Describe this field...", cell.match_count INTEGER NULLABLE "Describe this field...", cell.sample RECORD REPEATED "Describe this field...", cell.sample.id STRING NULLABLE "Describe this field...", cell.sample.text STRING NULLABLE "Describe this field...", cell.sample.title STRING NULLABLE "Describe this field...", cell.sample.subtitle STRING NULLABLE "Describe this field...", cell.sample.authors STRING NULLABLE "Describe this field...", cell.sample.url STRING NULLABLE "Describe this field..." ) DESCRIPTION "This is create command using dot notation syntax for columns " FRIENDLY_NAME "friendly name of the dataset" EXPIRATION_TIME 1439577000
CREATE VIEW [projectId:]datasetName.viewName AS “Query”
DESCRIPTION “description for table”
FRIENDLY_NAME “friendly_name”
If projectId is not specified in the command, it will default to the current project.
CREATE VIEW [sample-project-12345:test.create_view_test] AS "SELECT * FROM [sample-project-12345:dataset1.github_timeline]"
CREATE VIEW [sample-project-12345:test.Test_create_view] AS "SELECT * FROM publicdata:samples.github_timeline LIMIT 50000" DESCRIPTION " Expiration in milliseconds since epoch " FRIENDLY_NAME "friendly name of the dataset" EXPIRATION_TIME 14355996882
DROP DATASET [projectId:]datasetName
If projectId is not specified in the command, it will default to the current project.
DROP DATASET [dataset_without_friendlyName]
DROP DATASET [sample-project-12345:dataset_With_all_parameters_without_project_id]
DROP TABLE [projectId:]datasetName.tableName
If projectId is not specified in the command, it will default to the current project.
DROP TABLE [sample-project-12345:dataset_without_description.table_without_record_type]
DROP TABLE [dataset1.table_without_record_type]
DROP VIEW [projectId:]datasetName.viewName
If projectId is not specified in the command, it will default to the current project.
DROP VIEW [sample-project-12345:test.create_view_test]
This command changes the current project or throws an error if it does not find the project.
USE [sample-project-12345]
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