Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Double Clicking or Opening a file will open the file in an Aqua Data Studio associated editor or viewer. If there is no associated component Aqua Data Studio will request the Operating System open the file with the associated application. For Example, double clicking an MS Excel file would request the Operating System to open the file, which would open it with MS Excel.
Deleting a file in the file browser will now try to move it to the Recycle Bin if possible; otherwise it will delete the file permanently. The Recycle Bin is supported for the Windows and OSX 10.6+ platforms.
Selecting multiple objects, then dragging and dropping to query window will drop all the object names separated with a comma.
Object Names Separated by Commas |
Added options File->Options->Table Editor->Table Data Editor->[TOP default size] & [Prompt user for TOP size]. This allows the user to set the TOP number of rows to retrieve when opening the Table Data Editor from the schema browser on a table, and whether to prompt the user on changing the default every time
TOP Size Prompt |
Added option File->Options->General->Query Window->[Play Sound] which allows the user to choose an audio file to play once a query has completed execution.
Query Completion Sound |
Added option File->Options->Editors->{Editor Type}->General->Matching Braces Background. Allowing the user to change the color of the matching braces.
Matching Braces Background Highlight |
Added right mouse click popup menu action "Clone Window with Content" : Allowing a user to quickly clone the window with the same text content.
Clone Window with Content |
Save Results to Excel, View in Excel, View as Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet content will now fit columns to width with a max of 50 characters.
The quick filter now supports regular expressions.
Quickfilter Regular Expressions |
The right mouse click menu now has the option "View as Spreadsheet".
Schema Compare Results View as Spreadsheet |
Added option File->Options->Results->Text Results->[Display only sum of rows effected per execution].
Script Object to Window CREATE (FULL)
Oracle 10g, DDL extraction now supports/scripts external tables properly. The base table DDL generates with the “ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL” information.
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