Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Git is a free and open source, distributed version control system. ADS 10.0 offers new features for users to perform basic distributed revision control for your projects using Git. Users can now create a new Git repository in Aqua Data Studio 10.0 and manage files or checkout remote Git projects hosted in Github, Gitorious etc . Users can also interact with the Git Command Line Options using the Open API interface AQGit com.aquafold.openapi.vcs in the AquaScript editor.
Initialize a New Git Repository |
Git Clone |
Git Add | Git Commit | Git Diff | Git Repository Browser |
Git integration in Aqua Data Studio v10.0 includes:
Create a New Git Repository in Aqua Data Studio v10.0
To work with Git in Aqua Data Studio v10.0 you can start by creating a new git repository and managing changes to it. You can Add, Edit, Delete and Commit Files to the repository.
You can also clone a remote repository (repositories hosted at www.github.com) and mount it. This creates and checksout an initial branch that is forked from the cloned repository's currently active branch.
Mark for Add, Edit, Delete and Commit
Revert and Disconnect
Displays the changelist history for files.
With Compare to Base Revision the working copy can be compared with the last revision retrieved from the Git repository.
You can sync your local repository to the remote repository with Update (Fetch) option.
You can use Text editors for SQL, HTML, XML, text, JavaScript and Java support syntax highlighting and inline differences. Color-coded indicators instantly mark changes that differ from the local working copy.
You can Search for files in specified folders by name and file contents, and even across a subset of files found by a previous search.
Wikipedia : Reference on Git
You can download the latest stable Git release from here.
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