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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
New Charts : Two new Chart Types are introduced in Aqua Data Studio Version 10.0 - 3D Line Chart and the Ichimoku Cloud Chart
3D Line Chart | 3D Line Chart | Cloud Chart | Cloud Chart |
3D Line Chart - A Line Chart displayed with markers to highlight individual data values in 3 Dimensions. Categories are usually presented along the vertical axis, and values on the horizontal axis. A 3D Line Chart is often used to visualize a trend in data over intervals of time.
Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line-chart
Ichimoku Cloud Chart - A multi-faceted indicator designed to give trend direction, support/resistance levels, and entry/exit points of varying strengths for Stocks. This is a technical analysis method that builds on Candlestick charting to improve the accuracy of forecasted price moves.
Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ichimoku-cloud-chart
New charting tools have been added to include more features theat developers and analysts need. You now have more control while manipulating the visualization of data including mixing Multi Series Charts with regular Charts (Candlestick + Area Charts etc). Just like ADS 9.0, all options are scriptable and include support for pivot charts.
Mixing multi-series charts with regular charts
Charts in Aqua Data Studio v10 now have the ability to Mix multi-series charts with regular charts (e.g. Candlestick + Line chart, HLC + Line Chart, Bubble + Area Chart, etc.)
candlestick + line | high-low + line | bubble + area |
Labels in Pie Charts are enhanced to minimize overlap
A new enhancement in v10 minimizes overlap when displaying 2 series in Pie Charts. The labels from the second chart should no longer overlap the first chart.
Pie Chart Labels |
Offline Software Renderer for Open APIs
Typically, charts are rendered with the video card. Some lower-end video cards do not have sufficient hardware capabilities for rendering Aqua Data Studio charts. This is often the case for servers that are intended to work via remote connections and therefore not equipped with powerful video cards. The newly implemented Software Rendering in Aqua Data Studio v.10 addresses this issue. Software Rendered charts can be displayed (at the cost of lower image quality) on all machines, regardless of the quality of the installed video cards.
The option can be set at the File –> Options –> General –> Chart dialog.
Offline Software Renderer Options |
Grid and Pivot Grid results in Aqua Data Studio v.10 can be quickly opened with Excel or Emailed as an Excel attachment by clicking on the “Quick Excel” button in the upper-left corner of the “Grid” pane.
View as Spreadsheet Pivot Grid |
Series Functions on Range of values
With v10 a new option to add the ranges is possible - "AddRange(1, 2, 10, 50)" to add the values in rows 10 to 50 from series 1 & 2. The rest of the values would be null & un-plotted. In version 9.0, series functions only operated on an entire series, e.g. the function "Add(1, 2)" will add all values in series 1 to all values in series 2.
This feature in the Chart Options (AxisRenderer - Add ShowVerticalGridLines & ShowHorizontalGridLines), allows displaying and hiding horizontal or vertical grid lines to the chart axes.
show horizontal and vertical grid lines |
Show vertical grid lines |
FillGrid Support for Charts and Open APIs
Version 10.0 supports chart title positions, grid-lines drawn at each value, centerable legend & hidable legend box. With the addition of FillGrid, whhen FillGrid is true (the default), the grid renders like normal. When FillGrid is false, it hides the filled alternating colors and leaves the grid lines in place.
fill grid true | fill grid false |
ADS v10 now allows setting the opacity of chart objects.
Opacity = 0.25 | Opacity = 0.50 | Opacity = 0.75 | Opacity = 1 |
Tooltip for multi-series charts(bubble, HLC, Candlestick)
For multi-series charts (Bubble, HLC, Candlestick), when you hover the mouse over the charts, the Tooltip now displays all series values by default.
Tooltip for Series Values |
For all chart types, you can display or hide the tick marks. To make chart data easier to read, you can also make adjustments to the way that chart ticks are displayed for both the value axis and category axis.
Enable Tick Mark | Disable Tick Mark |
A new option in version 10.0 allows you to set Grid Line Width of the axes.
Grid Line Width=1 | Grid Line Width=5 |
Aqua Data Studio 10.0 has a new option and API in Chart to set the position of the Chart Title. This new option will set chart title position property to Top Left/Center/Right, and Bottom Left/Center/Right. These settings will move the Legend accordingly if the Chart Title & Legend are placed in the same corner.
In addition to the different Legend positions already available, Aqua Data Studio 10.0 has added new options and API in Chart to set the Chart Legend position property to Top Center, Bottom Center, Left Center and Right Center.
"Legend" text header is removed
For Aqua Data Studio 10.0 the "Legend" text header for grid and pivot charts is removed. This is to keep in par with most chart packages which do not have it plotted.
I think we should still use a single font for the chart, but allow the user to set the scaling for each component (Legend, Value Axis, Category Axis, Titles, ...). Something like setTitleFontSize(float size) might work well. The user could select Arial-10-BOLD, and then could setTitleFontSize(20), which would calculate the appropriate scalar (20 / 10 = 2), then apply that scalar to the Title.
Chart API enhancements : Allow null values in the model to appear as gaps in the chart instead of treating nulls at zeros.
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