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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Over the past few months, we have got several feature requests for Perforce Version Control support, one of the most popular commercial versioning products. With Aqua Data Studio v10.0 we offer a powerful GUI with seamless integrations with Perforce. Users can now checkout a Perforce project in Aqua Data Studio with options to select an existing workspaces or create new workspaces. Users can also use the option to Mount a directory and configure Version Control properties to point to the Perforce Server Repository.
Perforce Support |
Perforce integration functions include:
Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perforce
You can download the latest Perforce Server here
Notes --- TARIQ
Many of the version control features found in the existing CVS and Subversion clients within the application can now be used for Perforce source control repositories. Commits, Updates, Forks, Branches and Tags can all be accomplished through the GUI. Perforce repositories can be associated with specific folders through the Mounted Scripts Folder path within a Datbase Connection's settings.
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