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Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Our new Git client supports all of the Git features you would expect from a stand-alone Git application. Its UI makes performing source control tasks like branching, tagging, fetching, merging and pushing much easier than its ever been in Aqua Data Studio. The complete history graph makes tracing changes and finding forks and branches simple.
The first thing you'll notice in our new Git Client is that it allows performing tasks that weren't possible with our previous Git tools. Now, you can Stash with a simple button click to store your current changes away for later.
We've made it much easier to perform a Git Reset to undo changes. With our improved Reset UI, you can discard Conflicted and Untracked files.
Perform a fetch to download objects and refs from the remote repository to your local Git repository.
Within the Git Client you can expand and collapse nodes to browse branches, tags, remotes and stashes. If you click on a particular branch or tag, the Commit History filters to show only the items and graph nodes for the selected tag or branch. Right click context menus provide you full control.
At the bottom left corner you can see the directory structure of every tag, branch and remote so that you can examine their local Git repository contents. Click on an item to view just that file or directory's Commit History.
Click the Settings button to access Git Version Control settings, including Full Name and Email Address
The Rebase operation allows integrating upstream changes into your local repository. Rebase literally rewrites the commit history and is used for maintaining a linear project history.
Now, you can configure multiple remote repositories. To add a new remote repository, right click on the Remotes node of the Git Client and select Add Remote. Once you add a new remote repository you can Fetch from and Push to it. Using the Git Client, you can also view remote repository URL and credentials used.
With the new Git Client you can now Track Remote Branches. Right clicking on a Branch allows you to launch a dialog to pick a different remote to track.
Take all of your changes and Push them to your Git repository by simply clicking the Push button at the top of the Git Client.
Simply click Merge to merge another branch or tag or revision into your current branch. With our new Commit Graph, you'll be able to visually pinpoint when the merged occurred.
Our new Commit Graph is a complete redesign: color-coded to make it easy to see changes and track down what happened when. We now track it all, with an easy to understand interface.
No matter if it's a message, revision, date or author, you can use the Quick Filter to find exactly what you're looking for in the Git Client as you type a search term.
When a particular commit is clicked in the Commit History you can see information on its Affected Paths with the Action taken and Path listed in a table at the bottom of the client.
To find out the status of your branch, simply look at the Status Bar at the bottom left corner of the client. It will show you your current branch as well as any uncommitted changes.
You can pick a commit from within the Commit History and Create a Branch or a Tag from it. It's also possible to Merge or Cherry Pick from a selected commit.
The new Git Client allows you to checkout an existing branch whether it's local or remote. To checkout a remote branch, use the Git Client to right click on a remote branch and select Checkout Remote Branch.
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