Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
It's easier than ever to work with data sources and extracts. If you copy contents from a spreadsheet application, you can use Paste Data to automatically create a new data source from your clipboard memory. Using Replace Connection you can instantly swap out the current connection and data source within an existing worksheet.
With the new Data > Paste Data... menu choice you can use copied contents from spreadsheet applications to automatically generate a new datasource in your Visual Analytics Workbook. Copy the content you want to the clipboard, select Paste Data... then choose the delimiter, string quoted identifier and encoding. Behind the scenes we generate an XLSX file from your clipboard, make a new connection to it, then add it as a data source. This makes it very easy to bring data sources from spreadsheet content you might receive from coworkers. Pasted data sources are automatically named using "Clipboard" appended with a timestamp of the moment they are created.
The Edit Query dialog within Visual Analytics now provides autocompletion, one of the more powerful features of our Query Analyzer. Autocomplete database, schema, table and column names as you write queries just as you are accustomed to, but without having to leave a Visual Analytics worksheet.
There are cases where an existing visualization requires a database connection that is different from the current one. The new Replace Connection... right click context menu allows you to swap out an existing connection in your Workbook for any preexisting registered server in Aqua Data Studio. You can browse your servers, expand your schema nodes and click on the database you need. This newly replaced connection will refresh, executing the query from your original connection on the new connection.
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