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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
There's a new Chart Type to help you visualize your data: Treemap. There are also a variety of new Chart Property enhancements to make adjusting your charts easier, including multiple hidden dimension fields for a single measure, and field reordering in the chart property accordion.
Treemap Charts, new in version 16, are useful for showing hierarchical data by representing it as nested rectangles. With a Treemap's efficient use of space, it's possible to show thousands of items in a single Visual Analytics Worksheet. Dropping dimensions on the Break or Label button of a Treemap lets you add levels to its nesting hierarchy.
Charts now support multiple unique dimension fields for a single measure. For instance, in a Shape chart, you can now have different dimension fields in Color vs Shape vs Break decks and none of these fields are required to be in your Column or Row deck.
You can now drag fields in the Chart Properties to reorder them, which is very useful when dealing with Treemaps and you want to choose a different hierarchy for how the rectangles nest. Dragging the Break or Label dimensions into a new order readjusts the nesting.
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