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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
We've added more options for Trend Lines and display more information in Trend Line Details. Choose from Linear, Logarithmic, Exponential or Polynomial model types. Additional options allow including fields as factors, showing confidence bands, and the ability to force y-intercept to zero.
Choose from additional line model types: Linear, Logarithmic, Exponential or Polynomial with degree. We allow you to enter the degree you like for Polynomial with degree Trend Line Models.
Enable and disable Confidence Bands from within the Trend Line Options. They visually indicate the uncertainty in trend lines based on noisy or incomplete data. You can now see how well your Trend Line fits the data you have.
When you enable Show Trend Lines we now perform Domain Padding for Date Fields, filling in missing date information in your data to assist in plotting the data you do have. Gaps in your data will no longer cause gaps in your Trend Line visualizations.
Check the fields you wish to include from your field list to include them as factors in your Trend Lines.
Our new Trend Line Details window provides all of the information for every trend line in your visualization, including the trend line color, model formula, number of modeled observations, standard error, t-value, p-value, sum squared error, mean squared error and much more.
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