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Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
By distinguishing between Continuous and Discrete versions of Visualizations we can now suggest more options for charts. Our enhanced Visualization menu makes detailed suggestions based on what it detects in Columns, Rows, Color, Shape and Size. We also take into account what items are currently selected in the Data Pane and what the categories of your Dimensions are. You can now generate Histograms if you've created Bins (another new feature of Visual Analytics in this version) for the Measure you wish to use. It is much easier to create Dual Combination Charts because we have a single Visualization button for them. We now have Continuous and Discrete Line Charts buttons, as well as Continuous and Discrete Area Charts buttons.
Histograms, new in version 16, are bar charts designed to indicate the distribution of a group of values. With our Histogram Visualization button we can automatically generate a Histogram using the Bins you've created.
By detecting the presence of Date and Date Time fields we can make choosing the continuous line chart less complicated than before. Continuous Line visualizations can be created with 1 or more date fields, 0 or more dimensions, and 1 or more measures.
Continuous Area charts get their own visualization button. Continuous Area visualizations can be created with 1 or more date fields, 0 or more dimensions, and 1 or more measures.
Dual Combination visualization can be created with 1 date field, 0 or more dimensions, and 2 measures. This makes creating combination charts with only 2 measures much simpler than before.
Discrete Area visualizations can be created with 1 or more date fields, 0 or more dimensions, and 1 or more measures. Distinct divided area charts will appear in the same view.
We separated the Discrete Line from the Line visualization button. Discrete Line visualizations can be created with 1 or more date fields, 0 or more dimensions, and 1 or more measures. Distinct divided line charts will appear in the same view.
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