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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Aqua Data Studio Version 17.0 now supports Apache Spark which gives you the ability to connect, query and generate results from Apache's open-source cluster computing framework. After registering a connection with Apache Spark, you can use features, such as the Visual Editors, Table Data Editor, Import Export Tools, ER Modeler, Visual Analytics, and Schema Script Generator.
Git the free and open source, distributed version control system is now updated to version 3.7 in ADS 17.0. All the existing features for users to perform advanced revision control for your projects using Git are available.
We now have updated support for MapR, Cloudera and Hortonworks jdbc to access more Hive distribution specific features. Choose your distribution in the Server Properties when registering a new Hive server.
Teradata Aster Database 6.1 is now supported, giving you the same access to our SQL tools, Query Analyzer, Import and Export tools as we already provided for previous versions of Teradata Aster.
IBM DB2 z/OS 11 is now supported, giving you the same access to our SQL tools, Query Analyzer, Import and Export tools as we already provided for previous versions of z/OS
Amazon Redshift is ready for use with the newly updated drivers giving support for all the existing Redshift features built-in Aqua Data Studio, including the DBA Tools.
Support for Vertica 7.1.2
Vertica 7.1.2 is ready for use with all of the Vertica features already built into Aqua Data Studio.
PostgreSQL 9.4.1 is ready for use with all of the PostgreSQL features already built into Aqua Data Studio.
VoltDB 5.3 is ready for use with all of the VoltDB features already built into Aqua Data Studio.
SQLite is ready for use with all of the SQLite features already built into Aqua Data Studio.
Aqua Data Studio Version 17.0 now comes packaged with Oracle Java 1.8 that includes improvements in performance, stability and security for Windows, OS X, and Linux.
À Propos d'AquaClusters Politique de Confidentialité Assistance Version - 19.0.2-4 AquaFold, Inc Copyright © 2007-2017