Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Aqua Data Studio version 18.0 offers many new enhancements in the Export functionality of Visual Analytics such as exporting visualizations to a PDF file, extending export support to Dashboards, and maintaining chart highlighting selections in any exported format. Aqua Data Studio also adds a new Export To command in the Visual Analytics File Menu enabling you to export worksheets and dashboards together. This release also includes support for using a software renderer for exporting images on Windows and OS X platforms. Finally, enhancements have been added for exporting date and number formats to Excel.
You can now export visualizations to a PDF file. You can control the paper size and orientation, specify the location of legends and margins, show or hide selections, control the layout direction, and open the PDF file in the default PDF viewer after exporting it.
Export dashboards in image, HTML or PDF format.
The new Show Selections check box retains the selections made on a worksheet or dashboard in the exported file.
Visual Analytics provides a new Export To command in File Menu that allows exporting of worksheets and dashboards to image, HTML or PDF format.
Visual Analytics enhances its export functionality to export all date and number formats to Excel in the expected locale based format. For example, if the cell value is 115.751,95 €, then version 18.0 exports this value as 115.751,95 € as compared to version 17.0 that exported this value as 155751.95000
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