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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Aqua Data Studio uses a new Windows launcher. The executable is datastudio.exe, which uses datastudio.ini for the configuration settings. Below is a list of parameter and options that may be used in the datastudio.ini for configuring Aqua Data Studio.
Key | Description |
working.directory | This will be the current directory for the app. It can be relative to your executable. |
classpath.1, classpath.2, ..., classpath.n | Classpath entries. These will be relative to the working directory above. They can be wildcards (eg. *.jar) |
vmarg.1, vmarg.2, ..., vmarg.n | Java VM args. These will be passed on to the VM. |
vm.version.max | The maximum allowed version (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5). |
vm.version.min | The minimum allowed version (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5). |
vm.version | Specify an exact version to use (eg. 1.5.0_07). |
vm.location | Specify the location of the JVM dll you want to use. This is useful when you package your own JRE with your app. |
vm.heapsize.max.percent | Specify a proportion of the available physical memory to use (ie. relates to -Xmx arg). For example, vm.heapsize.max.percent=75. Note that this will use the maximum memory possible. |
vm.heapsize.min.percent | Specify a proportion of the available physical memory to use as the minimum starting heap size (ie. relates to -Xms arg). |
vm.heapsize.preferred | Specify a preferred amount (in MB) for the heap size (ie. relates to -Xmx arg). If this amount is not available it will use the maximum amount possible given the physical memory available. |
arg.1, arg.2, ..., arg.n | Program arguments. These will be sent before any command line arguments. |
log | Standard out and error streams will be redirected to this file (including launcher messages). |
log.level | Specify the logging level. One of "info", "warning", "error", "none". Default is "error". |
splash.image | The name of the splash image file to display (This can be gif, jpg or bmp). This will auto-hide itself when it detects the first application window. |
splash.autohide | A flag to disable the splash screen autohide feature ("true"). |
dde.enabled | This flag needs to be set to "true" to enable DDE. |
dde.class | Optional flag to send execute commands to your class. |
dde.server.name, dde.topic, dde.window.class | Override the DDE server name, topic and window class. |
single.instance | This will detect another instance of the application running and will shutdown if one is found. It takes the following options:
An example and default INI file for Aqua Data Studio:
classpath.1=*.jar working.directory=. # JVM Properties vm.location=.\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll # Specify a proportion of the available physical memory to use (ie. relates to -Xmx arg). For example, vm.heapsize.max.percent=75. Note that this will use the maximum memory possible. #vm.heapsize.max.percent= #Specify a proportion of the available physical memory to use as the minimum starting heap size (ie. relates to -Xms arg). #vm.heapsize.min.percent= #Specify a preferred amount (in MB) for the heap size (ie. relates to -Xmx arg). If this amount is not available it will use the maximum amount possible given the physical memory available. #vm.heapsize.preferred= #Specifies that only one instance of the product should run at any given time single.instance=window vmarg.1=-Dsun.swing.enableImprovedDragGesture vmarg.2=-Xmx256M vmarg.3=-Di18n.test.mode=1 classpath.1=.\lib\*.jar classpath.2=.\lib\drivers\*.jar classpath.3=.\lib\jide\*.jar classpath.4=.\lib\jinterop\*.jar classpath.5=.\lib\ssh2\*.jar classpath.6=.\lib\nb\*.jar classpath.7=.\lib\nb\eapi\*.jar classpath.8=.\lib\nb\mlkup\*.jar classpath.9=.\lib\nb\msc\*.jar classpath.10=.\lib\nb\pcore\*.jar classpath.11=.\lib\nb\ql\*.jar classpath.12=.\lib\nb\tc\*.jar classpath.13=.\lib\nb\v\*.jar classpath.14=.\lib\nb\vapi\*.jar classpath.15=.\lib\nb\xed\*.jar classpath.16=.\lib\nb\gsf\*.jar main.class=com.aquafold.datastudio.DataStudio
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