Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
With Aqua Data Studio 7.5 you can plan, initialize, allocate, manage, and tune Sybase ASE database objects for better performance
New enhanced Object Tab in Aqua Data Studio 7.5 gives:
Object Tab - Display of the Tables and Indexes.
Documentation -> Sybase ASE DBA Tools -> Storage Manager
Below text goes to ADS 7.5 Documentation.
Table Name: Name of the database object
Schema Name: Owner of the table
Segment: Type of the database object
Type: Name of the tablespace containing the table
Row Count: Name of the Bufferpool containing the table
Reserved: Specify whether the table is partitoned or not
Data: Total Size occupied by the table.
Indexes: Total size of the extent occupied by the table.
Unused: Total number of rows in the table
Created Date: Date on which the table was created
Lock Type: Lock Type of the table
Type = Index
Index Name: Name of the index object
Index Schema: Owner of the Index
Table Name: Name of the database object
Segment: Owner of the Table
Object Type: Whether Sytem or User Index
Row Count: Name of the tablespace containing the index
Reserved:Name of the Bufferpool containing the index
Data: Type of the index
Indexes: Size of the Index
Unused: Whether the index is valid or not
Created Date: Date on which the index was created
Lock Type: Lock Type of the index
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