Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
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Aqua Data Studio 7.5 has a number of new features for all editor tabs:
Load and Save | Go To Combo Box |
Schema Browser |
Scripting |
Server Registration in Aqua Data Studio 7.5 has the following refinements:
Schema Compare now has an option to Order Table Columns by name. This allows for a logical comparison of a table, where the order of the columns has no effect on the equality.
Schema Compare |
The Log Viewer is enhanced in Aqua Data Studio 7.5 with a startup.log to troubleshoot problems. It’s available in the Help menu (under View Log->Archive) and works independently from Data Studio’s normal log file. This file is created each time the application is started, and contains the following information: Aqua Data Studio version, Operating System Version, CPU count, Memory settings, and Java Virtual Machine properties.
Now there is an option to enable SQL History on Visual Editing. All DDL of schema changes made with the Visual Editors will be stored in SQL History.
Visual Editing |
The SQL History now has a column of Execution Time allowing for quicker profiling of queries.
The Detail Views for the schema browser now have the Aggregate Toolbar for quick calculations.
Aggregate Methods |
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