Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
We have added new features for all the DBA Tools in Aqua Data Studio 7.5. A new option in this release lets you 'Save the column positions' for DBA Tools. You can quickly modify column positions by dragging and dropping into positions you want and when ADS restarts the same view is displayed to you. All the DBA Tools provides a consistent display and you need not edit column positions or widths each time you restart ADS. Another new enhancement in this version is that sort criteria that you use in DBA tools can 'Save between refreshes'. In tools like Session Manager when data is refreshed in a specified duration and you have specified a sort parameter, it is retained between refreshes. A new feature is added in all DBA tools to 'Reconnect' to the Server. You can now quickly Disconnect and Re-establish connection to the Server by clicking on the 'Reconnect icon'. Another notable feature added is the ability to generate 'Number Formatting' according to your locale. The most important addition is in Storage Manager - We have added new view for Database Size, Table Size, Index Size, which helps you to determine Storage parameters easily. MySQL Storage engine tab has been enhanced with Table size, Rows, Data Size, Index Size, Index Fraction and Database Size for individual Engines.
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