Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Reconnection Prompt: The Query Analyzer and DBA Tools have an action to reconnect to the current server. When reconnecting to a server, Aqua Data Studio prompts the user to confirm a reconnection is taking place. This confirmation is optional and may be disabled.
File -> Options -> General - > General: [Prompt on Reconnect]
Reconnect Prompt |
Results Tab Alignment: The Query Analyzer Results tabs can now be placed at the top or the bottom of the results pane. This is configurable in the options dialog.
File -> Options -> Results -> General: [Align results tabs at bottom]
Results Tab Alignment |
DB2 @ Statement Separator: The Schema Script Generator and Server Script Generator now have "@" as an optional statement separator. This may be used for generating scripts for optional compatibility to DB2 Console.
DB2 @ Separator |
Comment Toggle: The SQL Automation Comments have changed to behave like standard editors. There is now a "Toggle Line Comment" which comments/uncomments the current line or the selected lines, and "Toggle Statement Comment" which will toggle comments on the current statement.
Automate Comments |
Execute Script at Server Connection: The Server Registration/Properties dialog now has a "Script" tab, which allows users to enter an SQL Script that is executed each time a new connection is established. This allows users to SET connection settings for a server connection. (eg: SET ROLE, ALTER SESSION SET XXX).
Connection Script |
Print & Print Preview: The print feature within Aqua Data Studio has been rewritten to provide more configurability and previewing before printing. This feature allows you to see exactly how your pages will look when they are printed. You can print directly from the print preview page. The Print Preview is introduced in the Query Analyzer, Explain Diagram, Image Panel Viewer, Function Editor, Procedure Editor and Package Editor. You can print the Grid, Editor, Messages, Execution Plan, and Client Statistics in the Query Analyzer.
Print & Print Preview |
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