Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Script Table Partitioning DDL: Within Aqua Data Studio 8.5, right-click on a Table in the Schema Browser and select Script Object to Window -> CREATE (Full) from the pop-up menu to generate DDL scripts with table partitioning information.
The Script DDL for Table Partition generation supports the following database vendors and partitioning types:
Below are examples of the Table Partition Syntax generated when using Script CREATE (Full) for Oracle 11g, DB2 UDB 9.7, MySQL 6.0, MS SQL Server 2008 and Sybase ASE 15.0
Oracle | IBM DB2 UDB | MySQL | MS SQL | Sybase ASE |
Script Index Partitioning DDL: Right-click on an Index in the Schema Browser and select Script Object to Window -> CREATE (Full) from the pop-up menu to generate DDL scripts for Index Partitioning Information.
The Script DDL for Index Partition generation supports the following database vendors and versions, and their Partitioning Types:
Below are examples of the Index Partition Syntax generated when using Script CREATE (Full) for Oracle 11g, MS SQL Server 2008 and Sybase ASE 15.0
Oracle | MS SQL | Sybase ASE |
CREATE Index and ALTER Index Visual Editing - Storage Extended Options: When visually editing Indexes (ALTER or CREATE), the Options tab now contains additional Index information.
DB2 UDB Full Index Information |
Oracle Full Index Information |
MS SQL Full Index Information |
MySQL Full Index Information |
Sybase Full Index Information |
MySQL Indexes may be created that use the leading part of column values, using
syntax to specify prefix length. Prefixes may be specified for col_name
columns. For BLOB
columns a prefix length must be provided.
Index Column Size |
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