Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Open API Introduction: Open APIs enable you, the developer, to have full programmatic access to ADStudio's rich suite of functionality including database query and administration (across all major database vendors), compare/diff tools for databases, source control and file systems and version control for SVN (Subversion). We have also exposed our powerful pivot grid & charting capabilities and support generation of html pages with embedded charts & pivot grids. In addition, we have added a significant number of packages to facilitate common development oriented tasks such as encryption, archiving (zip, tar, etc), file manipulation (copying files, directories, changing ownership, etc), reading & writing text formatted data, communication protocols such as ftp and http, random data generation and emailing including emailing attachments.
Open API Packages: From archiving files to version control updating, Open API Packages let users access Aqua Data Studio's core functionality through objects that can be called within AquaScripts. Need to access files within the Scripts Browser, compare them, zip them up, attach them to an email that includes a 3D column chart PNG and send it with a list of tables from a database? Using the Open API Packages, you can. Below are the available packages for scripting. Click on one to find out more about its capabilities and methods. For a full list and all of the technical details for each of the packages, visit http://docs.aquafold.com/ads/8.5/openapi/.
Open API Packages | Open API Package Archive Example |
Using the Open APIs within your AquaScripts
All of the Open APIs are available through the global variable named "aqua", which is an instance of the "AQAqua" class. The "AQAqua" class has getter methods for all Open API objects, such as AQAqua.getArchive() and AQAqua.getRandom(). Syntactically, you may access getter methods by using the name of the method without the get or set prefix (eg aqua.archive or aqua.random). With the "aqua" variable, the user may acquire instances of objects which contain specific functionality, such as the "AQRandom" object for random data generation and the "AQArchive" object for archiving files.
aqua Global Variable | aqua.random |
Open API Reference Guide: The Open API Reference Guide provides the full technical details and documentation of each API. Getting access to the API Documentation is easy when writing AquaScripts because of its context-sensitive help that may be activated with Shift-F1 on any variable within the editor. The documentation can also be found at http://docs.aquafold.com/ads/9.0/openapi/
Open API Reference Guide |
Open API Script Examples: A downloadable standard set of scripts is available for the application and contains examples of all the functionality available through Aqua Data Studio's Scriptable Open APIs. If you need to see how to implement a specific API Package, explore the Script Examples and edit them for your particular scenario.
Script Examples |
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