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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
10.0.10 (since 10.0.9) - April 23th 2012
#6859 : table data editor -> negetive numeric values translated to string values in sql statement
10.0.9 (since 10.0.8) - April 9th 2012
#6760 : Export data to Excel with 3+ columns sorted, and the last column has repetitious data will cause missing rows
#6652 : Parameterized script not prompting for all parameters when double single quote combination involved.
#6754 : Added option to Perforce client configuration for charset.
NONE : Query Window : "Change Server" action needed to set the database combobox to the current database after reconnect.
NONE : Query Window : Enhanced error message on "No route to host" errors and login errors.
10.0.8 (since 10.0.7) - March 16th 2012
#6444 : Bug : NaN values for Float and Decimal where displayed incorrectly
#6422 : Bug : Export data on views is now extracting views as views and not as tables.
#6420 : Bug : Support multi-file opening for Query Windows with multi-file selection.
#6428 : Bug : (DB2 iSeries) Added QSYS2 system schema to qualify tables for extraction of view information.
#6430 : Bug : (nCluster) Added few more datatypes support to ER modeler
NONE : Bug : (Sybase IQ) Removed syscomments from View Extraction Query as it had no effect.
NONE : Bug : (Teradata) Indicating no database in registration would still set the property in the JDBC URL
causing the connection to fail.
10.0.7 (since 10.0.6)
#6412 : Bug : Opening script with "Open in..." opens in query window, but database context is incorrect
#6414 : Bug : In a server mounted folder, multi-selected files, right mouse click -> Open will open in editor instead of query window
#6416 : Bug : Sybase ASE script DDL of check constraint longer then 255 char is truncated
#6411 : Bug : Save Results to INSERT with CREATE statement on nCluster fails
#6417 : Bug : nCluster returning Boolean for BIT datatypes
#6415 : Improvement : File mounted folder, multi-select, right mouse click should have "Open in..." action
#6370 : Add option in File->Option->General->General->[Execute Trimmed Statement in Scripts]
10.0.6 (since 10.0.5)
#6343 : Bug : Converting ER Model from MySQL to MySQL will lose precision
#6344 : Bug : Schema object filter fails in German language
#6338 : Bug : Schema Compare filter should show empty list if filter results are empty
#6322 : Bug : "Check syntax" when creating a trigger should not actually create the trigger. Regression bug.
NONE : Bug : Table Data Editor - Added support for Binary Primary Keys
10.0.5 (since 10.0.4)
#6241 : Bug : Query Analyzer As prompted login info ignored
#6253 : Improvement : In Save Results and Export Tool, lets add some statement separators support
#6302 : Improvement : AQExcelSpreadsheet: add methods to manipulate sheet names
#6259 : Bug : On a stacked pivot chart the Y axis is still too large for the max stack height
#6260 : Bug : Trendchart - setShowRowTrendChart - a large number appears over
NONE: Informix extract trigger sql and code fix to handle large trigger body code.
NONE: AQProjectFile.read() removes BOM
NONE : Library Update : JIDE 2.11.4-aquafold build : Fix for Pivot Grid in use of AQReport API.
10.0.4 (since 10.0.3)
#6215 : Bug : NPE starting query analyzer when password not saved
#6214 : Bug : MySQL -- ATLER TABLE -- Constraint Tab -- Constraints detail -- both On Update & On Delete information is been erased.
#6200 : Bug : Oracle Tablespace Properties->Space Usage chart is sometimes incorrect
#6192 : Bug : Issue within editor - color coding for SQL keywords in .sql and .SQL file extensions
#6198 : Bug : AQExcelReader.setFirstLineContainsColumnNames(true) causes null pointer exception
#6195 : Bug : AQExcelReader not reading correctly with blank cells
#6186 : Bug : Enable Script mount point on server connection within the AquaProject context
10.0.3 (since 10.0.2)
#6163 : Bug : Add support for Filtered Index in SQL Server
#6173 : Feature : New API to create a Java byte array : aqua.system.newByteArray(length)
#6149 : Bug : Converting ER Model from Oracle to SQL Server will convert NUMBER to DECIMAL(0,0)
#6145 : Improvement : View in Browser on Grid Results needs to detect if the data was converted to HEX
#6147 : Improvement : Syntax highlighting in Export Tool
#6143 : Bug : SQL Server : Query Window : "CASE" syntax-colored in SQL Editor as function rather than keyword
NONE : Bug : Sybase ASE 15.0 & above. Default objects rework so that only non system generated defaults are displayed and extraction and scripting work correctly even with spaced text data.
NONE : Bug : Sybase ASE : Scripting Default fails when Default body doesn't start with CREATE
10.0.2 (since 10.0.1)
#6140 : Bug : Q Analyzer : Opening a query window for a server should default the file open to the mounted folder path
#6137 : Bug : Q Analyzer : Reconnect Triggers java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Error
#6136 : Bug : Grid Results : View in Excel from Grid Results doesn't use the correct row alternating color
NONE: Bug : Click on a Tab when there are many tabs would cause the tab to shift to the right
10.0.1 (since 10.0.0)
#6135 : Bug : (Oracle : Package Editor) Opening file in package editor needs to parse file and separate spec and body
#6133 : Bug : (Schema Browser) Open in current window and file drag-n-drop should work for Procedure & Package Editors
#6121 : Bug : (General) Lost Recent Files popup menu on OS X
#6123 : Bug : (Visual Editing) Exception creating a database in Sybase ASE
#6126 : Bug : (Visual Editing) Sybase ASE - Database Devices - In memory devices not showing in detail view.
#6103 : Bug : (Query Analzyer) Can we make the reconnect action in a query window multi-threaded
#6117 : Bug : (Schema Browser) Scripting compound primary key on Informix can script the columns in the incorrect order
#6109 : Bug : (Grid Results) Grid Results View As Spreadsheet doesn't apply Date format like Save Results do
#6104 : Bug : (Options) Changin File->Options->General->Appearance->[Editor Font] to bold, will change editor, but will not save the bold option
#6090 : Bug : (Git) Git PUSH must show errors and/or conflicts
#6096 : Bug : (Query Analyzer) DnD table columns into editors should copy name only
#6108 : Feature : (SSH Terminal ) Add support for a key agent mechanism for ssh terminal passphrase
#6110 : Improvement : Added property property in the database connection file which forces the database version number.
#6107 : Improvement : Editor/Debugger : Date entry in dialogs for procedure execution and debugging should be according to locale
#6095 : Improvement : Add an option to disable Alt-Number tab navigation : File->Options->General->Workspace->[Enable Document Tab Navigation]
#6122 : Improvement : Remember detail view mode in File -> Open dialog
10.0.0 (since 10.0.0-RC14)
#6075 (Closed) : Windows 7 Remote Deskotp causes GUI issues if ADS is left running and there are multiple remote desktop sessions opened over time.
10.0.0-RC14 (since 10.0.0-RC13)
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