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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
13.0.4 (since 13.0.3) - August 30th 2013
#8659 : Bug : Sybase ASE : extract trigger -> instead of triggers have a system type of 'IT' instead of 'TR'... added 'IT' as trigger type to extraction of object triggers
#9053 : Bug : toggle breakpoint behavior should allow toggle where right click occurs
#9493 : Bug : DB2 : Display dependencies with objects with identical name but in different schemas
#9566 : Bug : SQL Server : Selecting File and Filegroup in Backup Database for SQL Server gives java.lang.StackOverflowError
#9567 : Bug : SQL Server : Not able to Attach Database in SQL Server due to large file name with spaces in syntax
#9584 : Enhancement : Oracle : support scripting permissions on Materialized Views
#9585 : Enhancement : DB2 zOS : version 10 compatible to version 9 catalog tables need to run as version 9
#9587 : Bug : SQL Server : Alter to attach a database - attach succeeds, but the Alter dialog does not close
#9595 : Bug : SQL Server : Detach Database - Warning says the Detach fails - click ok and then cancel - Detach succeeds
#9615 : Bug : Teradata : semicolon ; as statement separator
#9637 : Bug : Sybase ASE : fix for database device number lookup. was comparing string object to integer object.
#9664 : Enhancement : OpenAPI : Add a results compare API
#9687 : Bug : Editor : Tab key changes alignment
#9706 : Bug : Partitions and SubPartitions appear as separate objects in the Schema Node
#9714 : Enhancement : SQL Server : Display last modified date for sql server objects in the detail view
#9719 : Bug : Incorrect calculation in AQMath.median
#9722 : Enhancement : OpenAPI : Create an API for extracting primary keys
#9732 : Bug : SQL Server : When trying to Create Index for SQL Server getting Java Exception
#9748 : Bug : MySQL : Changing the MySQL SQL Server mode to ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY gives exception in the Storage Manager
#9811 : Enhancement : AQNet: add custom port support to sftpTo/From()
NONE : Bug : MySQL : Fix "Auto Join on Foreign Key" for MySQL
NONE : Bug : Informix : extraction of paramaters throwing NPE. ifx_param_types(##) may return null.
NONE : Bug : Sybase ASE : storage manager -> database devices with segmaps of 1,2,5,6 needed handling
NONE : Enhancement : DB2 : Handle DB2 XML data type
13.0.3 (since 13.0.2) - June 20th 2013
#9342 : Bug : SQL Server : Added support for COLUMNSTORE keyword in extraction and scripting
#9379 : Bug: PostgreSQL : In PostgreSQL 9.1 and above, support extraction & scripting of "UNLOGGED" option for create table
#9388 : Bug : MS SQL Server : In MS SQL Server 2008 and above, support extraction/scripting of table compression
NONE : Bug : Query Analyzer Apache Derby : Query Analyzer for Apache Derby now displays current schema correctly and uses combo box to allowing changing of schema
NONE : Bug : DB2 iSeries : Procedure extraction of set options was a very slow join. Separated extraction into separate queries.
NONE : Bug : Mac OS X : Corrected incorrect path in datastudio-osx.sh
NONE : Bug : Mac OS X : Put in workaround to get ADS running on 1.6.0_51 jre
13.0.2 (since 13.0.1) - June 13th 2013
#8872 : Bug : In some cases execution of current statement by Cntrl+Enter runs other statement than under cursor
#8876 : Bug : Unbalanced quote in literal breaks autocompletion
#8934 : Enhancement : Import option date format autocompletion case sensitivity
#8937 : Enhancement : Postgres 9.1+ -> create/alter sequence support
#8939 : SQL History not highlighting where the query in the Query Pane is coming from upon SQL History relaunch
#8952 : Bug : postgresql -> schema script generator -> sequences -> extraction query fixed
#8972 : Enhancement : Use case sensitive date format autocompletion
#8978 : Ehhancement : db2 iSeries -> get current schema -> extraction now comes from database / Set & Get Current Schema
#8999 : Bug : debugger - right click context menus not appearing ( only see "copy" )
#9036 : Bug : sybase ase -> script constraint -> check -> was appending check to constraint definition even when definition had check in it already.
#9060 : Enhancement : postgresql -> extraction -> pg_authid is no longer
#9072 : Enhancement : sybase ase -> dba tools -> session manager -> process id is now numeric in model
#9092 : Bug : extractobjectpermissions had sql incompatibilities for older versions
#9136 : Enhancement : postgres -> sequence dialog -> cache is not required to alter or create. if no cache is specified it will use cache 1 [server default]
#9154 : Bug : Add "extract" as function that allows keywords such as "from"
#9221 : Bug : mysql -> alter user -> set password was not qualifying the user name with its host info
#9325 : Bug : sql server 2012 -> extraction & scripting support for columnstore indexes
13.0.1 (since 13.0.0) - May 7th 2013
#5111 : Enhancement : Sybase IQ Explain Plan : Implement Visual Explain for Sybase IQ
#7886 : Enhancement : Charts : Pie Chart label placement distributes labels across quadrants more evenly
#8076 : Bug : Charts : Chart not remembering position when swapping between 2D and 3D
#8205 : Enhancement : Charts : Mouse over the Maximize Chart button in Maximized state the tooltip text now says "Restore Chart"
#8288 : Enhancement : Query Analyzer Grid Results : Clicking on a cell will highlight background color of its row line number
#8336 : Enhancement : Query Analyzer : Double clicking on a .sql file should launch the Query Analyzer
#8639 : Bug : DB2 LUW : Groups scripting and Schema Browser nodes not using complete extraction tailored for specific DB2 version releases.
#8652 : Enhancement : SQL Server 2005 Schema Browser : SQL Server - SQL Agent Logs node added and can be viewed with Detail View for SQL Server 2005 and above
#8671 : Enhancement : Sybase ASE Schema Browser : Triggers will now display enabled/disabled icon depending on trigger status
#8687 : Enhancement : DB2 iSeries Visual Editing : Alter a procedure or Script > Create a procedure, include the relevant SET OPTION commands specified for that procedure.
#8692 : Enhancement : Import Tool : Right click popup menus "Shift Up" and "Shift Down" on File Column or Position to allow choosing a different column for Identity Row on Format tab
#8699 : Enhancement : SQL Server DBA Tools : Session Manager displays string name instead of binary ID for Wait Type
#8709 : Bug : SQL Server Query Analyzer : Cancel button taking a long time to completely cancel
#8718 : Bug : Sybase IQ & Sybase Anywhere Server Registration : SET TEMPORARY OPTION should be used instead of SET OPTION for Quoted_Identifier and Query Temp Space limit
#8719 : Bug: Table Data Editor : Copy a value that contains decimal separator of (,) and paste displays a (null)
#8721 : Enhancement : Query Analyzer Grid Results : File > Options > Grid Results > "Persist quick filter across execution" retains wild cards, regular expressions etc. across execution
#8744 : Enhancement : PostgreSQL Schema Browser : If Schema Grouping is enabled prevent display of schemas which begin with pg_temp or pg_toast in the Schema Browser
#8745 : Bug : SQL Server Visual Editing : Create Index not displaying column details of the table in the Indexed Column area
#8747 : Enhancement : Sybase ASE Schema Script Generator : for Sybase ASE, indexes on system objects will no longer be scripted via the schema script generator
#8750 : Bug : Version Control - Subversion : SVN authentication out of sync with Tortoise SVN client when both are used on the same computer
#8761 : Bug : Query Analyzer Grid Results : Drag across row numbers only highlighting a max of 2 rows
#8762 : Bug : Query Analyzer Grid Results : Shift click on row numbers not keeping all selections
#8764 : Bug : Query Analyzer Grid Results : Right clicking row numbers selected random number of rows
#8779 : Bug : Query Analyzer Grid Results : Row selection by row number highlighting incorrectly
#8780 : Bug : PostgreSQL and Greenplum Query Analyzer Grid Results : Serial and BigSerial were being declared as a Numeric and String
#8781 : Bug : PostgreSQL Table Data Editor : Clone row should not include the value of a Serial and Bigserial column
#8790 : Bug : Query Analyzer Grid Results : Paste to Windoow > UPDATE body - statement using incorrect columns, but correct data
#8796 : Enhancement : SQL Server : Option to force line endings to CR+LF format via File > Options > Query Analyzer > SQL Server > Convert all line endings from LF to CR+LF
#8813 : Bug : Sybase IQ Visual Explain : Click on lines between nodes gives a Null Pointer Exception
#8814 : Bug : Sybase IQ Visual Explain : Move cursor near nodes gives Null Pointer Exception when generating tooltips
#8816 : Bug : Sybase IQ Schema Browser : Error message generated while expanding Sybase IQ 15.4 Index node
NONE : Bug : Charts : Fit-to-image off center following swap between 2D and 3D
NONE : Bug : Sybase ASE : Triggers > enable/disable dialog fails on warning or after successful command tree node refreshes
NONE : Enhancement : MySQL Driver : Updated mysql.jar driver to version 5.1.24
NONE : Enhancement : SQLite Table Data Editor : Use SQLDataLengthCellEditor for variant type to make null, date, and number formatting work in Table Data Editor
NONE : Enhancement : Schema Browser ParAccel & Greenplum : Hide pg_toast* and pg_temp* schemas when grouped by schema is set to true
NONE : Bug : Copy and paste fix for text translation information
13.0.0 (since 13.0.0-rc24) - April 22nd 2013
#8672 : Bug : Auto Completion : Auto-completion doesn't work when the from clause is parenthesized
#8673 : Bug : SQL Server Procedure Editor : Error Messages for Procedure Editor do not display line number for SQL Server 2005 and above
#8674 : Enhancement : Auto Completion : Rename "Auto On All Schemas" to "Auto Complete On All Schemas"
#8680 : Bug : Query Analyzer Grid Results : Decimal separator (,) of the result set are not replaced with '.' in insert into statement
NONE : Bug : DB2 iSeries Scripting : Scripting a DB2 iSeries procedure of type EXTERNAL should not include the DBINFO property.
NONE : Enhancement : MySQL JDBC Driver : Updated mysql.jar version to 5.1.24
13.0.0-rc24 (since 13.0.0-rc17) - April 15th 2013
#7958 : Bug : Auto Completion : Auto Completion parser correctly supports "from" when used inside of overlay, substring and trim functions for PostgreSQL related DBs
#8050 : Bug : FIle Compare Results UI : Fix line number being cut-off in results compare
#8179 : Bug : AquaScript : Can't insert > 4000 characters into Oracle CLOB 4000 field via aquascript
#8400 : Bug : Bubble Chart : Bubble chart not generated when using the "View in excel viewer" option
#8475 : Bug : Autocompletion : When autocomplete option is un-selected, "Please Wait..." message persists and does not go away
#8476 : Bug : SQL Server Storage Manager : When changing DB state to online/offline in SQL Server, error message generated
#8494 : Bug : File Options Statement Separator for ParAccel : Clicking inside File->Options->Scripts->ParAccel Analytic Platform->Statement Separator File generates java.lang.Object@18cb416
#8495 : Bug : File Options Quoted Identifier for ParAccel : Specifying a Quoted Identifier in File->Options->Scripts->ParAccel Analytic Platform->Quoted Identifier Analytic Platform is not working for "Script to New Window" action
#8532 : Bug : Mac OS X Alter Table : Right Clicking on column and choosing Insert/Delete option - the column is not selected and the requestes action does not take place
#8549 : Bug : AquaScript : AQDataReader doesn't correctly parse files containing both newlines and double quotes
#8572 : Enhancement : AquaScript : Introduced new methods in AQConstraint to support retrieving Primary Key, Foreign Key, Check and Unique Constraint information
#8581 : Bug : Query Analyzer UI : Mouse drag makes selection appear to occur in Text Results - focus is actually still Query Analyzer Edit area
#8583 : Bug : Auto Completion : Do not popup autocompletion when using virtual temporary tables
#8614 : Bug : File->Open Recent : File->"Open Recent" doesn't load the file inside of query analyzer
#8641 : Enhancement : Vertica Auto Completion : "Auto on all schemas" is now set to false by default
#8649 : Bug : DB2 iSeries Stored Procedures : Missing DBINFO parameter on Alter and incorrect DEBUG MODE parameter on Alter
NONE : Bug : DB2 Query Analyzer : When including XML datatypes in select statement, class name being displayed instead of the XML string
NONE : Enhancement : Schema Script Generator : Increase the default size of Schema Script Generator dialog
NONE : Enhancement : Vetica Schema Grouping : Schema grouping is now turned on by default
13.0.0-rc17 ( New Features since 12.0.x )
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