Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
3.7.24: FEATURE: Register Properties Dialog: Now has an advanced tab.
- Advanced tab has driver properties for all database types where a user may specify driver parameters
- Advanced tab has Characterset combo box for Sybase.
FEATURE: Register Properties Dialog for Sybase Anywhere now has Database field so user may specify the database to connect to.
FIX: MySQL Results for tinyint(1) would return as [Err].
3.7.23: FEATURE: MS SQL Server 7.0 & 2000/5 - Added Windows Authentication
- Added Option: "Windows Single Sign-On" option to allow a user to login using Windows Authentication with the currently logged in username/password of the Windows OS. (Only supported on Windows OS)
- Added Option: "Windows Authentication" option to login using Windows Authentication with the specified username/password. (Only Windows Authentication Option supported on non-Windows platforms (Linux, OSX, etc)
- Requires latest jTDS Driver 1.0 with ntlmauth.dll (http://www.aquafold.com/download/jdbc-drivers/jTDS/)
- copy jtds.jar to location (<ADS_INSTALL>\lib\jtds.jar)
- copy ntlmauth.dll to root ADS directory (<ADS_INSTALL>\ntlmauth.dll)
FIX: MySQL 4.1 Schema Browser for Table didn't show columns and indexes.
FIX: MS SQL Server Registration: Host name for instances now supports "hostname\instance" in addition to "\\hostname\instance"
FIX: MS SQL Server Schema Browser & Query Analyzer db combo box: Now only lists the databases which the user has access to.
3.7.22: FEATURE: Schema Browser for Oracle: To Package and Package Body nodes, added functions and procedures to allow the browsing within the package and to script EXECUTE and EXECUTE BIND
TESTING: Tested database version support for Oracle 10g, DB2 8.2, Postgresql 8.0, Sybase Anywhere 9, MySQL 4.1 (5.0-Alpha), MS SQL Server 2005
FIX: Schema Browser Drag-n-Drop: Added ability to drag-n-drop Procedures, Functions and Parameters to Query Window.
FIX: MySQL Schema Browser: 4.1/5.0 - Process Info List didn't show the list of processes.
FIX: SQL Server 2005 Schema Browser/Constraint Extraction: Didn't list or extract check constraint.
FIX: Sybase Anywhere 9 Schema Browser/Constraint Extration: Didn't list or extract check constraint.
FEATURE: Variable Binding: Query Scripts: Added 3 client side commands to support execution of stored procedures with variables binded to parameters.
- Added commands variable, print, println and executeCallableQuery. (Use Procedure->Script Object->EXECUTE BIND to generate example syntax)
- .println (.print) - Syntax: .println { variable_name | 'text value' }, ... n
- .variable - Syntax: .variable <variable_name> datatype [, value]
- .executeCallableQuery - Syntax: .executeCallableQuery 'parameter_name<datatype,{in | out | inout}>[, ...]', <LINE_BREAK>
{ CALL <PROCEDURE_NAME>( ? { , ? ... } ) }
{ ? = CALL <PROCEDURE_NAME>( ? { , ? ... } ) }
FEATURE: Schema Browser: Script Procedure: Added Script EXECUTE & EXECUTE BIND
FIX: SQL Server: Table Editor: Generated date formats with "YMD", which didn't work in all locales. Format is now set with SET DATEFORMAT
FIX: Execute Edit: Didn't work when query contains character "�" (eg Stra�e (street)). This character becomes "SS" when converted to uppercase.
FIX: Sybase Anywhere 9: Extract Constraints didn't work.
FIX: Postgresql: Drop Function sometimes didn't work, depending on whether the parameters were extracted in the correct ordering.
3.7.20: FEATURE: Oracle Visual Editors for View, Trigger, Procedure, Function, Package and Package Body: Added "Show Errors" button to display errors for source of invalid object
FIX: SQL Server: Show Explain Plan: When Show Explain Plan was enabled and a multi-result select query was executed, not all resultsets were displayed
FIX: Main application title still contained last file openned even after last query window was closed.
FIX: Scripts Browser: Showed all files. Now only shows files with extensions defined in File->Options->General
FIX: Sybase: Executing Procedure which returns row counts and an error message produces a "getUpdateCount" error message instead of the actuall error message.
FIX: SQL Server: Table Data Editor: UNIQUEIDENTIFIER columns are now editable.
FIX: DB2 Function/Procedure Scripting: Added support for external functions/procedures
FIX: SQL Server: Introduce Value Stubs: Months in the date were zero based. Changed to one based.
3.7.19: FEATURE: Dialog Windows: Converted border of Titled Borders from single black line to Etched Borders for a better look.
FEATURE: Message & Confirmation Dialogs: Now have Mnemonics enabled for hot key actions.
FEATURE: History: Selecting text into Query Window now selects all of the selected statements and not just the current statement
FEATURE: History: Added "Save Script" toolbar button which saves all currently selected statements into a file.
FEATURE: Application & Query Toolbars are now 16x16 size.
FEATURE: Text Results Options: Added "Always display records effected" as an option which will display "records effected" even if Display Query Stats are off.
FEATURE: Script Browser: Folders and Files are now sorted
FIX: Text Results: When 'Display Query Stats' are OFF the Record Count results prints extra line feed.
FIX: Sybase Index Extraction: On HP/Unix: Unique and Clustered flags not retreived. The ANDing of Hex values doesn't work on Sybase HP/UNIX. Converted queries to use ANDing decimal values.
FIX: MS SQL Server & Sybase Anywhere: Extraction of Procedure/Function. Trimming spaces from procedure lines could cause problems if line doesn't end with line feed
FIX: Grid Format of NULLs: NULL value formatting was not being displayed in Grid Results.
FIX: Query Analyzer: Alt-D hot key only worked for the last query window openned
FIX: Query Analyzer: Multi-Panel View - CTRL-E didn't work while in a results tab
FIX: Grid Results: Sorting for numeric/date data types was broken in build 3.7.18
3.7.18: FEATURE: Editor: Added Windows shortcut keys for Cut: Shift+Del / Copy: Ctrl+Ins / Paste: Shift+Ins
FEATURE: Table Data Editor: Added refresh button to only refresh the data, but not save. [In case the Max Results is changed]
FEATURE: Table Data Editor: Inserting Date/Time and setting NULL now affects all selected cells, not just the current.
FEATURE: Import/Export Tool: Added "yyyyMMdd" and "yyyyMMddHHmmssZ" date/datetime formats
FEATURE: Query Analzyer & Popup menu: Added CTRL-SHIFT-DELETE short-cut for Clear Document.
FEATURE: Table Data Editor: Added File Menu with Hot-Keys
FIX: Table Data Editor & History Toolbars: Changed Toolbar button/icon to 16x16 instead of 20x20
FIX: Script Index CREATE: Multi-column Index would omit columns after the first one.
FIX: Grid Results: Formatting of Grid Results was broken in build 3.7.15
FIX: Import Tool: Informix 7.3 doesn't support quoted qualified columns
FIX: Query Analyzer in MultiTab results: Fixed focus of components as CTRL-TAB cycles through query windows.
FIX: Unclosed single and double quotes in server side comments caused parser to disregard statement separators. fixed. (was fixed in 3.5.13, reintroduced in 3.7.1)
FIX: Displaying of Query Stats: Added "Command was executed successfully" into the query stats to be enabled/disabled, which is displayed when a statement is executed and zero records where modified
FIX: Import Tool: Importing files with spaces between comma separated columns (eg: column1, column2) would add a space to the beginning of column string data.
FIX: Schema Browser: Oracle Packages, Package Bodies and Java Sources. Queries are now based on ALL_OBJECTS.
FIX: Option "Do Not Prompt to Save For New Scripts": was not working when opening and creating new files.
FIX: Sybase Indexes: Extracting and Viewing didn't work for non-capitalized Indexes.
3.7.17: FEATURE: Query Analyzer: Added option in File->Options->[General] to enable MultiTab query results where the editor is the first tab and the results come after.
FEATURE: Window Menu: Added option to enable the toggling of the current Query Analyzers MultiTab/SplitPane mode.
FEATURE: CTRL-1 HotKey: Cycles through Query Window Results
FEATURE: CTRL-ALT-(RIGHT/LEFT ARROW) Focus back and forth between the Tree View and the Query Tab View
FEATURE: Grid Results: Popup menu, added "Copy w/ Headers", "Copy w/ RowCount" and "Copy w/ Headers & RowCount" to allow the coping of the selected text with the headers and a row count column
FEATURE: Grid Results: Added option in File->Options->[Results] to specify alternating colors in grid results, including the option to set the background and foreground colors of the alternate row.
FEATURE: Query Editor and Text/History/Message Results: Added "Clear Document" option in the popup menu to clear all document text.
FEATURE: Text Results: Added option in File->Options->[Results] to enable/disable the displaying of the Warning headers along with the Warnings.
FEATURE: Query Analyzer Window: Added Window Menu with options to Hide/Unhide the Query Toolbar and Query Results.
FEATURE: Query Analyzer: Openning a Query Analyzer window will automatically set the current database according to the database selected in the schema browser
FEATURE: Application: When closing the application the Dialog prompt to Save files will also have "Discard All".
FEATURE: Closing Query Windows: Added option in File->Options->[General] to allow the ability to specify if ADS prompts a user to save a modified query window that doesn't have a file associated with it.
FEATURE: Popup menu on Query Analyzer tab now includes "Close All" and "Close Others"
FEATURE: Window Menu: Added option to Hide/Show application toolbar (CTRL-F8)
FEATURE: Schema Browser: Added to popup menu "Refresh" - F5 to allow a user to refresh the node without collapsing/expanding the node
FEATURE: Schema Browser: Added to popup menu "Script Object -> SELECT (*)" to Tables to generate a SELECT statement with '*' as the fields instead of the column names listed.
FEATURE: SQL Server Query Analyzer: When openning a new query window, the connection will be set by default to the default database assigned to the user. This will only be overridden if the user currently has selected a different database in the schema browser.
FEATURE: SQL Server Query Analyzer: When openning a new query window, the connection will be set by default to the default database assigned to the user. This will only be overridden if the user currently has selected a different database in the schema browser.
FEATURE: Editor: Auto-Comment: If a text selection is made, the CTRL-/ will do a block comment around the selected text, instead of a line comment
FEATURE: To Upper/To Lower: If no selection is made then the command will apply toUpper/toLower to the current word based on the caret position.
FEATURE: Morph to Upper/Lower: The toUpper/toLower now do not change single or double quoted text
CHANGE: Introduce Value Stubs: For MS SQL Server and UniqueIdentifier datatypes, the value stub is now NEW() instead of ''.
FIX: Auto-Complete on Synonym columns stopped working after build 3.7.7
FIX: Auto-Complete: Bug which caused auto-completion to only show "Please Wait ..." and nothing else, now fixed.
3.7.16: FEATURE: Auto Completion: Supports customization of auto completion in File->Options->[Editor] ... Auto Popup, Auto Popup Delay, Instant Substitution, Maximumn Pane Size, Minimum Pane Size
FIX: Default for Instant Substitution in Auto Completion is now false
FIX: Auto Completion: Tab key now closes completion window after completing if there is only one item in the window.
FIX: Import/Export and Save Results Dialog: Added [Default] item for encoding types.
FIX: Sybase: Database Devices: Support for Visual Editing and Scripting of devices larger then 2G.
3.7.15: FEATURE: Option Dialog - Converted option settings to PropertyPanels
FEATURE: Syntax Coloring: Supports coloring of System Tables.
FEATURE: Syntax Coloring (File->Options->[Editor]): Added ability to enable/disable and set the syntax color for keywords, vendor keywords, datatypes, functions, system tables, comments and quoted strings
FIX: Execution of empty string when trying to change database on databases which don't have the concept of databases.
FIX: Generic JDBC/ODBC Connections: .setMaxRow() is not supported by some JDBC/ODBC drivers (SQLite) which caused ADS to fail on queries.
FIX: After closing last query window, give focus to Schema/Script Browser.
FIX: Postgresql: Script Function or Visual Edit Function incorrectly generated parameter type definition for datatype varchar by placing a '()' after the varchar.
FIX: Schema Tree: Move (Drag/Drop): You may now move servers to the root 'Database Server' node.
FIX: SQL Server/Sybase: Script Alter and Alter of Procedures/Functions which had comment blocks before the CREATE statement would not work.
3.7.14: FEATURE: Postgresql 8.0 - Visual Edit User/Role: Added permission options for tablespaces
FEATURE: Option Dialog: Changed the Tabbed View to an Outlook Tabbed View (aka Firefox/Intellij Option Dialog Look)
FEATURE: Auto-Reconnect: Implemented Auto-Reconnect for Schema Browser, Visual Editing and SQL Scripting. (Postgresql requires latest JDBC driver, and Informix is not supported by Driver)
FIX: Oracle Schema Browser Table Node: Filtered Tables that start with BIN$ for Oracle 10g which are the tables in the Recycle Bin
FIX: Oracle Scripting Constraints: Added constraint state to the DDL which was being omitted for primary key, unique and check constraints.
FIX: Query Stats: Added hot key to enable/disable ALT-SHIFT-R;
FIX: Oracle Export Tool: Timestamp columns with precision would cause export to not work.
FIX: Large Resultsets/Out of Memory: ADS now has error checking for running out of memory while quering for very large resultsets
FIX: Editor: Find & Replace would replace multiple times according to how many times it had been used, which cause problems if the find string was a substring of the replace string.
3.7.13: FEATURE: Added File->Options->[Results] tab with 4 options: Max display size of columns, Display Query Stats, Max retrieval size of BLOBs and Max retrieval lines of CLOBs
FEATURE: Added File->Options->[Editor] tab with 3 options: Expand Tabs to spaces, Number of Spaces in Tab expand and Size of Tabs. These settings allows for automatic Tab/Space conversion in the Editor
FEATURE: Syntax Coloring: Added Keywords for security related SQL statements
FEATURE: Postgresql 8.0 - Tablespaces: Added support for tablespaces: Schema Browser, Visual Editing and Scripting DDL
CHANGE: DB2/Sybase/MS SQL Server Schema Browser - Dependancies Node: Converted the Dependant Object Node to the actual object node so the objects have context sensitive menus and object icons
CHANGE: Applied refactoring to source to enhance speed of key function calls and streamline database support infrastructure for new databases and database versions.
FIX: Oracle Scripting Foreign Keys: Added constraint state to the DDL which was being omitted.
FIX: Oracle Schema Browser: Added the "PUBLIC" schema folder in the schemas.
FIX: Oracle Visual Editor for Users/Roles: System Privilege list is now specific to the database version 8i/9i/10g
FIX: Oracle Visual Editor for Users/Roles Object/Column Permissions: Tables/Views/Columns have the appropriate index/references columns for User/Role and version type of database
FIX: MS SQL Server Visual Editor for Object Permissions: Separated Scalar and Tabular functions for permissions.
FIX: Index View Properties: Was displaying the datatype of the column incorrectly.
FIX: DB2 Schema Browser - Dependancies Node: Added query to include Procedures that are dependant on the table
FIX: Query Analyzer: Quering and displaying large BLOBs would lockup ADS.
3.7.12: FEATURE: Visual Editing for Security:
DB2: Users, Roles, Object Permissions, Column Permissions
Informix: Users, Roles, Object Permissions, Column Permissions
MySQL: Users, Object Permissions, Column Permissions
Oracle: Users, Roles, Profiles, Object Permissions, Column Permissions
Sybase Anywhere: Users, Roles, Object Permissions, Column Permissions
Sybase: Logins, Server Roles, Users, Roles, Object Permissions, Column Permissions
MS SQL Server: Logins, Server Roles, Users, Roles, Object Permissions, Column Permissions
Postgresql 7.4/8.0: Users, Roles, Object Permissions [Column Permissions not supported by Postgresql]
Postgresql 7.2/7.3: Not Supported
FIX: SQL Server schema browser, column node: Was displaying length of NCHAR and NVARCHAR twice the size.
FIX: Postgresql: Added support for Implicit Case-Sensitive schema objects
3.7.11: FIX: Mac OSX Look and Feel - Background of application was beening set to light gray.
FIX: Informix Synonyms mapped to objects in different database: Added support in displaying them in the schema browser, scripting the SQL and added to auto-completion.
FIX: Schema Browser for Oracle/Sybase Anywhere - Sorting Procedure and Function folder.
FIX: MS SQL Server Query Results: values of tinyint columns where being displayed incorrectly.
3.7.10: FEATURE: Schema Browser - Drag-n-Drop: User may now move or copy (CTRL-Down) a server registration from folder to folder by dragging and dropping a server registration node.
FEATURE: Schema Browser - Drag-n-Drop: User may now drag-n-drop a Table/View or Column from the schema browser to the Query Window. (ALT-Down will add item with a ", " prepended)
FIX: SQL Server Case Sensitivity: Stored Procedure & Function schema extraction and visual editing didn't work on SQL Servers with case sensitivity
FIX: Informix Queries on System Catalogs now explicitly query on the informix schema (eg informix.systables)
3.7.9: FIX: CLOB data type: Multi-Line CLOB values were converted to single line values in Text Display and Import/Export Tool.
FIX: Table Editor for Postgresql - Numeric & Decimal types now support Precision and Scale.
FIX: Script Table CREATE for Postgresql - Numeric & Decimal types now support Precision and Scale.
FIX: MySQL & Postgresql: Import/Export Tool and Table Data Editor now escapes backslash to a double backslash when generating string values in INSERT statements
3.7.8: FEATURE: Browsing the Schema & Script browser with the keyboard will automatically scroll the pane to the selected entry.
FEATURE: Visual Table Editor for Sybase: Added ability to drop columns
FEATURE: Scripting Columns for Sybase: Added ALTER and DROP columns
FEATURE: Look and Feel: Added optional command line parameter called ads.forcelaf which allows users to set their own look and feel with command line option of "-Dads.forcelaf=<full class path of Look and Feel>"
FIX: Table Editor for Oracle OCI connections: Didn't set the correct database and schema which prevented the creation of a table
FIX: Execute Explain (CTRL-Shift-Enter): was treating all comments as client side comments which removed Oracle Hints before execution.
FIX: Generic Schema Browser: Schema Filter wasn't working.
3.7.7: FEATURE: Export Tool: Tool allows user to export data results from query or table into delimited data or INSERT statements.
FEATURE: Schema Popup Menu: Now has Tools->Import/Export menu item for context sensitive import/export functionality.
FEATURE: Import/Export Tool: Scripting INSERT statements now has an optional statement separator for the script.
FEATURE: Import/Export Tool: Scripting INSERT statements now use the configured scripting options for identifiers and statement separator
FIX: View/Alter Table for DB2: Identity value was displayed incorrectly for columns with a column check constraint.
FIX: Syntax Coloring for Postgresql: Multi-line/Single quoted text is colored as if it was not single quoted for support of CREATE Procedure syntax coloring
3.7.6: FIX: MS SQL Server Script & ALTER View: Views over 4000 characters were trucated.
FIX: DB2 Column Check Constraints: Column check constraints created with GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CHECK) were not being scripted.
FIX: Look and Feel: Setting a Look and Feel not supported (e.g. Windows LaF on Linux) would prevent ADS from starting.
FIX: Visaul Editing Dialogs: Mapped the BACKSPACE ("Delete" on OSX) key to delete columns.
3.7.5: FIX: Import Tool: Import was removing "[" and "]" from strings in certain cases.
FIX: Table Editor [MSSQL Server]: UNIQUEIDENTIFIERS were not being single quoted when generating SQL statement
FIX: FIX: Block Syntax Coloring: Block Syntax Coloring was not terminating on "**/".
CHANGE: Query Analyzer Window: Now contains the name of the connection in the title.
CHANGE: Added ALT-D hot key in Query Analyzer window which gives focus to the Database Combo Box to remove the need to use the mouse to change database.
3.7.4: FIX: Create/Alter Table: Combo Boxes in detailed column info were not editable, such as "Default"
FIX: Import Tool: Negative numbers for numeric columns were being imported as positive values
FIX: Authentication Dialog when making a connection on registered servers without passwords saved, the username was disabled.
3.7.3: FEATURE: OSX Look and Feel: Added the ability to change the application font for the OSX look and feel. Default of Lucida Grande size 11
FEATURE: Schema Popup Menu now has the option "Query Analyzer as ..." which will prompt the user for a username/password before openning a connection for the Query Analyzer.
FEATURE: Schema Browser Table Node: Popup Menu now has the option "Table Data Editor (Top 1000)" to easily edit table data without writing SELECT statements and execute edit.
FIX: Oracle w/ Oracle 10g JDBC Drivers were getting the time of a DATE field truncated.
FIX: Stored Procedure Extraction: If Stored Procedure contained parameters with an opening '(' and no space before the procedure name, the '(' was truncated.
3.7.2: FEATURE: Integrated the Netbeans Editor v3.6 from v3.32
FEATURE: Added ALT-X hotkey to map to Execute
FEATURE: Auto-Completion is now threaded. Long running auto-completions display popup
with "Please wait" until completed, with the ability to cancel. (Feature in new Netbeans Editor v3.6)
FIX: Double Clicking on the last word in the text doesn't highlight (Fixed in Netbeans Editor)
FIX: Block Syntax Coloring: Block Syntax Coloring was not displaying correctly if a '/' was in the block comment.
FIX: PostgreSQL: Resultset returns NULL for CIDR datatypes.
3.7.1: FIX: Import Tool: The reported number of records imported on the status tab was one higher then actually imported.
FIX: Import Tool: Files with a blank line at the end of the file displayed a blank line in the sample record grid.
FIX: Import Tool: If CR/LF not included as part of the last line, the last character is truncated.
FIX: File->Options[Format] -> DataType formats where limited to the list.
FIX: Parser: If server side comments for "--" was enabled and disabled for "//" and a single quoted "/" was in the comments, the comment was truncated
CHANGE: Added the APPLICATIONNAME, PROGNAME and HOSTNAME connection parameters to SQL Server and Sybase connection types
so process info displays what application is being used.
3.7: CHANGE: Changed Version 3.5.25 to 3.7 for Packaged Release
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