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Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
4.5.16: FEATURE: Server Registration: Added button next to the Port field which will do a socket connection test on the host and port specified.
FEATURE: SQL Formatter Options: Options Dialog now has a tab for the SQL Formatter options, including an option to allow for formatting to happen without the prompting the dialog each time.
FEATURE: Visual Editing & Scripting for Storage & Security: Added quoted identifiers to SQL generation.
FEATURE: Options->Scripts: Added "Visual Editing Quote Identifier" option to enable/disable quote identifiers in SQL generation while using Visual Editing.
CHANGE: Options->Scripts: Changed options into grouped grid layout.
FIX: Grid Results/Table Data Editor: HTML Text values where rendered as HTML in the cell of the grid.
FIX: Syntax Color: '|' would not terminate keywords and prevent coloring of the keyword.
FIX: Auto-Completion: A line comment that is after a table name where there is no space between the table and the comment would not include the table in autocompletion (Ex: FROM MYTABLE, YOURTABLE-- This line comment)
FIX: Table Data Editor: Save Refresh wouldn't refresh (Bug Introduced in build 4.5.15)
FIX: (Oracle) Show Execution Plan on AutoCommit:disabled: Executing wouldn't warn user transaction would be commited if the Explain Plan needed to CREATE/DROP the plan_table
FIX: (Sybase Anywhere): Script CREATE View, Trigger and Procedure would use the systriggers.trigdef and sysprocedure.defn catalog view to extract the trigger source instead of the systrigger.source and sysprocedure.source table. The source was
formatted slightly different. Source is now extracted from systrigger.source and sysprocedure.source
FIX: (Sybase Anywhere 9): Unique and Check Constraints would script CREATE statements incorrectly under certain circumstances.
FIX: (PostgreSQL 8.1) Security Permissions: Added support for the new makeaclitem() signature so that permissions would be supported.
4.5.15: FEATURE: Query Window: Added "Format Current Statement" and "Format Script" commands to automate menu.
FEATURE: Table Data Editor: Added status bar which displays the format pattern of the current selected cell. Pattern is no longer displayed in the cell when editing a NULL value.
FIX: Convert Binary to Hex: [File->Options->Results]: Blobs where not being converted to hex, only other binary datatypes
FIX: Save Results: Saving to Excel Spreadsheet was limited to 32,767 rows. Increased to 65,536 and rows are broken up into sheets.
4.5.14: FEATURE: Auto-Completion: Added support for SHOW CREATE TABLE <TABLENAME> Syntax
FEATURE: SQL Formatter: Added support for indenting Sub-Select statements
FEATURE: (SQL Server 2005): Added schema folder to schema browser in database objects
FIX: Table and Column drag-n-drop to editor was not working (broken after build4.5.10)
FIX: Query Panel now shows all databases in combo box, and are not filtered the same as the schema browser
FIX: (Oracle): Oracle JDBC driver sometimes returns Date value for Timestamp column. ADS was returning Err.
FIX: (SQL Server 2005): Schema names other then dbo(database owner) where not showing up. Changed from using USER_NAME() to SCHEMA_NAME() in 2005
4.5.13: FEATURE: SQL Formatter: Added option to wrap line after X number of characters in a line.
- Added option to align indent on AS and align on JOIN
FEATURE: Application frame now saves maximized status when exiting and restores it at startup.
FEATURE: (PostgreSQL): Added to Schema Browser a Procedure folder to list functions with a VOID return.
FEATURE: (DB2): Support for Nicknames. Added support to schema browser and for DDL scripting.
FIX: Syntax Coloring: Single quoted strings incorrectly colored when preceeded by '-' (Ex: tdate-'01/01/2001')
FIX: Grid Results: CTRL-Click on a column to select where the columns were moved around would cause the wrong column to be selected.
FIX: SQL Formatter: SQL Statements which had column names starting with ORDER or GROUP would result in an empty string.
FIX: (DB2) Syntax Coloring: Added keywords: MATCHED, OVER, PARTITION and Functions: ROW_NUMBER
FIX: (Informix): Script Table: Decimal and Floats didn't have precision/scale values.
4.5.12: FEATURE: Added support for Object Filtering in the Schema Browser. In the Server Registration under the Filter tab, there is now the ability to add filters to folders with wildcards.
FEATURE: Added Wildcard filtering to Schemas and Folders in the Server Registration. *=wildcard, ?=any character
FIX: Grid Results: Rearranging the column locations and then coping to clipboard would leave the data in the original order, but the headers in the new order.
FIX: (Oracle): Editing source of Procedures/Packages where a '?' was in a quoted string and a commnet block had a single quote (with no matching quote) would save the '?' as ':1'.
Disabled in Oracle JDBC driver EscapeParsing with Statement.setEscapeProcessing() to fix this issue.
4.5.11: FEATURE: (Oracle): Storage Support ...
- Visual Editing storage support for Tables, Indexes and Clusters.
- Scripting support for storage for Tables (CREATE (Full)), Indexes (CREATE) and Clusters (CREATE).
FIX: SQL Formatter: Now the statement separator is preserved instead of being replaced by GO.
FIX: Import Tool: Now takes into consideration files which only use carriage returns to separate lines (Mac)
FIX: Shortcut Toolbar: Renaming button would rename the path so shortcut wouldn't work properly
FIX: (Oracle): Procedure Editor: Executing a procedure in a package with a parameter of type REF CURSOR would fail.
4.5.10: FEATURE: Shortcut Toolbar: Added support to drag a database as a shortcut. When openning the query it will go to the database and open a query window to that database.
FIX: Query Window Animated Icon: On OSX and on Java 1.5 on other OSs, after executing a query the CPU time for ADS was still high because of a Thread bug in Java related to animated icons. Found work around.
FIX: Script Formatter would append the last character of a script as a new statment if the last character in the script was a line feed.
FIX: Shortcut Toolbar: Clicking shortcut will browse to server node, but will not expand the node, so it will not open a connection if the node is a server node.
FIX: Table Visual Editor: Changing datatype from VARCHAR to NVARCHAR (or vice versa) with the same length would not generate a change.
FIX: (Informix 10): Extracting Table with columns having "default ''" would fail because Informix 10 stores it as NULL.
4.5.9: FIX: Opening a Query Analyzer with a Toolbar shortcut didn't allow the user to execute a statement.
FIX: Opening a Query Window didn't allow a user to execute a query (related to animated icon for tabs)
4.5.8: FEATURE: SQL Formatter: Added SQL Formatter that will format SQL statements according to specify parameters defined in an options dialog.
- Added menu items "Format Current Statement" and "Format Script"
- Added hot keys CTRL-B to format current statement and CTRL-Shift-B for format script
FEATURE: Short Cut Toolbar: Added Shortcut Toolbar. The empty, right side of the application toolbar accepts drag-n-drop actions. If the user
drags a server from the schema browser into the toolbar it will create a button/shortcut to that server. If the shortcut is clicked, the
application will automatically browse to that server and open a query window to it.
FEATURE: Status bar: Application status bar now contains the path that is selected in the schema browser
FEATURE: Editor: Copy and Cut action when there is nothing selected will perform the action on the current line.
FEATURE: Query Analyzer: Added an animated icon to the tab of the query window when a query is executing.
FEATURE: (SQL Server, Sybase, Sybase Anywhere, PostgreSQL, MySQL) Query Window: Added Connection ID to window toolbar.
FIX: Auto-Completion: Added support for HAVING clause which would through the parser off
FIX: Grid Results: Selecting all column values with CTRL-Click on column would not allow you to copy to clipboard
FIX: (SQL Server) Query Window: If auto-on-all schemas was enabled and user was not database owner the description of the table would have the username as the schema name instead of dbo.
FIX: (Oracle) Schema Browser & Extraction: NVARCHAR2 lengths were defined as byte length, not character length.
FIX: (Oracle) Schema Browser & Extraction: Declared NUMBER datatype without precision or scale was scripting as (22,0) when it should be defined at all to define unlimited value.
4.5.7: FEATURE: (MySQL 5): Added support for bit datatype
FEATURE: (Sybase Any): Schema browser, added Events folder to support events.
FEATURE: AutoCompletion: Added support for multi table column completion on aliased sub queries with multiple columns. Ex: "select SubTab.^ from (select * from table1, table2) SubTab"
FEATURE: Added Option in File->Options:Grid Results[Copy to clipboard as default]. When coping numeric data to the clipboard,
the numeric values will be copied completely instead of the formatted value is results format in case the format truncates data.
FIX: AutoCompletion: Now supports Unicode characters (was broken with new parser)
FIX: Cycling through tab windows with CTRL-TAB would not reset focus to editor
FIX: Export Tool: Now does not right trim string values.
FIX: (DB2): Converted almost all SYSIBM schema reference to SYSCAT references in extraction to better support DB2 variants other then DB2 for LUW(Linux/Unix/Windows)
FIX: (Oracle): Extract Trigger was not appending the WHEN clause
4.5.6: FEATURE: (Oracle) Auto-Completion: support for PUBLIC synonyms in the table list
FIX: Auto-Completion: Column context was wrong when query contained '!'
FIX: Script Generator: (Introduced in build 4.5.4) Would fail to extract tables without primary key.
FIX: Table Data Editor & Query Results: String results now do not get right trimmed.
FIX: (DB2 8.2): Stop removing CR/LF from queries in Visual Editing.
FIX: (DB2): Visual Editing: Added support detailed error messages.
FIX: (SQL Server) Change Database in query panel and the schema browser would fail if "Set Quoted_Identifier" is disabled in the Server Properties.
FIX: (MySQL) Scripting Table CREATE Full would generate an extra CREATE INDEX for the primary key.
FIX: (MySQL) Visual Editing now uses backtick quote identifier.
FIX: (MySQL) Added "`Object Name`" quote identifier option to Import/Export tool, Script Generator and File->Options->Scripting
4.5.5: FEATURE: Added CTRL-Y hot key to Delete Current Line
FEATURE: Grid Results:
- Column width and height are now calculated using the font metrics, which allows more flexible font settings.
- Ability to highlight rows by selecting row columns.
- Ability to select all cells in a column by clicking on column with CTRL hit pressed.
- Added secondary column sorting capability.
FIX: Auto Completion: Fixed more column context bugs.
FIX: Syntax Coloring: Comments of // and -- with a leading character word, the word would be colored as the comments.
FIX: Save Results: If data format of Excel is selected and the file browse is activated to select a file name without an extesion, .txt is appended to the file instead of .xls
FIX: (Sybase) Script Table CREATE(Full): If table would have more then one trigger, it would add the trigger create to the script more then once.
FIX: (Sybase Anywhere) Schema Browser: Didn't take into consideration case sensitive schema owners. If user logged in as dba instead of DBA and
SybaseAny server was configured for case-sensitive comparisons objects would not be listed
4.5.4: FEATURE: Options->Results Format: Added the option of "[None]" so that the results are displayed in raw values.
UPDATE: Updated to libraries JGraph 5.7.2, JGraphLayout, JGoodies 1.3.1 and L2FProd 0.2
FIX: Save Results: HTML format of data didn't have a closing ">" on </FONT> terminator.
FIX: Query Results: Added seconds to the default format of and Time/DateTime datatypes
FIX: (DB2): Query Analyzer: Syntax coloring added for vendor keywords of ASSOCIATE, LOCATORS, IF, ELSEIF, LEAVE, LOOP, REPEAT, UNTIL, RESIGNAL, SIGNAL, WHILE, DO
FIX: (DB2 8.2): Query Execution: Stopped removing CR and LF from queries, because IBM fixed the bug in 8.1 where queries failed when statement
had a CR or LF in it. This allows the saving of formatted query text in CREATE VIEW.
FIX: (Sybase 11.5): Scripting Tables & Indexes didn't work because of lack of support for index_colorder() by Sybase 11.5
FIX: (DB2): Execute edit didn't extract primary key on a SELECT where schema name didn't match because of case sensitivity
FIX: (Informix) Import/Export/Save Results - Changed date/datetime format to work under any DBDATE formatted connection
4.5.3: FEATURE: Enhanced Auto-Completion: Rewrote SQL Statement parser to support more complicated SQL syntax.
- Auto-completion now supports UNION (and UNION ALL) queries.
- Auto-completion now supports subqueries.
- Auto-completion now supports ANSI JOINS and all modern JOINS at any depth.
- Auto-completion now supports aliased query tables (eg SELECT SUBTABLE.* FROM (SELECT * FROM MYTABLE) SUBTABLE)
- Auto-completion now supports for "where table.column=table." completion.
- Auto-completion now supports column completion on tables/views with spaces in it with [] and "" quote identifiers.
FEATURE: (Oracle) Query Window Auto-Describe: Added Table and Column Comments to description
FEATURE: File->Options->Appearance:[Editor Background Color]: Added option to set the background color of the editor.
FIX: Procedure Editor: The adding of "Save Query" made the procedure editor require a file to save to everytime a proc was compiled if there was no file defined.
FIX: Script Generator: Ordered the creating of constraints in order of Primary Key, Unique, Check and Foreign Key, and Dropping in reverse order.
FIX: (SQL Server) Script Procedure EXECUTE: Variable declarations didn't contain length, precision and scale
FIX: (Informix) Import Tool: Importing into a datetime column, ADS would format the date with a trailing ".0" which would cause a syntax error.
FIX: (Sybase) Index Scripting & Script Generator: Scripting Table w/ Indexes would generate CREATE INDEX for Indexes that were supporting constraints.
These indexes are automatically created and dropped with the constraint, so this is now removed.
4.5.2: FEATURE: Procedure Editor: Added "Save Query" button to toolbar.
FIX: (Oracle) Visual Edit & Scripting of View: Column aliases in the CREATE & CREATE OR REPLACE were not added.
FIX: Query Results: Numeric fractions were truncated to 3 decimal values.
4.5.1: FIX: Script Generator didn't take into account multiple tables with same names but different case.
FIX: Visual Editing for DB2: Now uses double quote identifiers to generate SQL to support case sensitive object names.
4.5.0: PACKAGING: Tagged current build as 4.5.0.
PACKAGING: Created new installation packages and bundled with JRE 1.5 Update 4
FEATURE: Visual Table Editor: Added support to rename column on Informix.
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